This Great Big Story was made possible by Wells Fargo. Established 1852, re-established 2018.
感谢初创于1852年,重组于2018年的富国银行对本期《伟大的故事》的大力支持 。
This is Myron. Hi.
这是迈伦 。大家好 。
Myron is an athlete. I played a little football in college. And ...I was a Rhodes Scholar. And ....I played for the NFL.
迈伦是一名运动员 。我在大学里偶尔也会打橄榄球 。而且......我是罗德学者 。也是NFL(美国橄榄球联盟)球员 。
And ....I have a Master's degree in Medical Anthropology.
我……还有医学人类学硕士学位 。
And ....And, I'm a neurosurgeon. Sheesh.
还……还是神经外科医生 。我滴老天鹅哎 。
My first dream was to play professional football.
我最初的梦想是当一名职业橄榄球运动员 。
There's no question.
没有悬念啊 。
I was very active as a young man, and I knew that I was pretty good at it.
小的时候我很有活力,我自己也知道我橄榄球打得还不错 。
When I got to the fifth grade, that's when I knew I wanted to pursue my second dream.
到了五年级的时候,我知道自己有了第二个梦想 。
I read a book called Gifted Hands by Ben Carson, who looked like me-he was black who came from a similar socioeconomic background as me.
当时我看了《妙手仁医之本·卡森的故事》,里面的本·卡森跟我很像 - 他来自和我类似的社会经济背景 。
We didn't have much money when we left the Bahamas and came to America,
and the more I read about it, the more I knew that once I was done playing football,
neurosurgery was gonna be the pathway and the second chapter of my life.
神经外科手术就是我要走的路,它将为我开启生命的第二个篇章 。
I was the number one-rated high school player in the country for football-recruited by everyone 83 scholarship offers.
I always felt that football fed academics, academics fed football.
我一直觉得橄榄球和学术是相辅相成的 。
Myron spent his college years playing football and shadowing doctors.
大学期间,迈伦就一边打橄榄球,一边跟着医生学习 。
He graduated in two and a half years
and was expected to be a first or second round draft pick in the NFL with a multi-million dollar contract,
but he also had a chance to study at Oxford as a Rhodes scholar.
同时,他也得到了以罗德学者的身份去牛津大学进修的机会 。
I ended up deciding to go to Oxford and saying no to the NFL.
我最终决定拒绝NFL,选择去牛津大学 。
I spent a year and a half over there.
我在牛津待了一年半 。
I came back to the United States,
went into the draft and got drafted in the sixth round instead of the second or first, made $70,000 instead of six million.
然后参加选秀,结果在第六轮的时候选上了,不是第二轮,也不是第一轮,拿到了7万美元,而不是600万的合同 。
Played for three years, got out healthy, felt good about my time there, and, frankly, made enough money to pay for medical school.
接下来我在NFL待了三年,退役的时候身体很健康,对我那三年的表现也比较满意,而且,老实说,也赚够了我上医学院需要的钱 。
I didn't have any lasting concussions,
and my hands were okay to where I was able to do surgery in the operating room;
and so I left on my own volition.
所以我自愿离开了 。
Started medical school, and here I am now.
之后上了医学院,再接下来就做了现在这份工作 。
Since head injuries are common on the football field,
Myron works to impress the importance of avoiding concussions on young players.
所以迈伦就开始给年轻的队员重复起了避免患上脑震荡的重要性 。
But for Myron, his days of tackling are behind him.
然而,对于迈伦来说, 打橄榄球的日子已经离自己远去了 。
Football was great for that season of my life, but now this is it.
足球在我生命过往的那段岁月是很美好,但已经结束了 。
This is the pinnacle.
现在才是我人生的巅峰 。
This is where I belong, and I've told my parents several times over and over again.
这才是我的归宿,这一点我已经反复跟我父母说过了 。
They ask me, "Myron, how do you feel? what you're doin' now? How do you feel?"
I said, "Mommy and Daddy, I feel like this is where I belong."
我就说,“妈妈,爸爸,我觉得这才是我的归宿 。”
So, did you say you played a sport before? Yes, I played football.
你之前是不是说过你会某种运动?是的,我会打橄榄球 。