It's a magic book art.
这是一本神奇的书籍艺术 。
I am one of those rather strange artists, who paint pictures that people can't see;
it's a discreet painting, it's only there when you know how to unlock it,
now you see it, now you don't.
这样就有了,这样就又消失了 。
My name is Martin Frost, I am what's known as a fore-edge painter,
so I paint pictures on the edges of books,
but I do it in such a way, that they become invisible, unless you fan the books up in a particular way
但是我的手法比较独特,除非你按照某种特定的方式翻开书页,否则你是看不到画儿的 。
and then you un-fan the book, and it vanishes again;
they're gone, vanished, because the gold has hidden the image.
没了,消失了,因为书口的金料把画藏起来了 。
It is pretty much a British, if not English art form.
这是一种即便不能说成是非常英格兰,也可以说是非常英国的艺术形式 。
Vanishing fore-edge paintings date back to about 1660.
会消失的书口画可以一直追溯到1660年左右 。
It really got going back in the 18th century when it became quite popular.
它真的回到了18世纪,当它变得非常受欢迎时 。
I was working in illustration, and I met a fellow, who was a fore-edge painter,
and he showed me what he was doing and I liked that, I thought, "that looks fun, I could do that."
他给我展示了他的工作内容,我当时就觉得,“好像很好玩儿嘛,这个我也能干啊 。”
And that, as I said was over 40 years ago now.
那已经是40多年前的事了 。
Most of the work I've done has been on antique books.
我画的书口画大都是给古籍画的 。
I'll show you this one: Now here, we have here a large Shakespeare;
it's 1860 leather-bound, split double, two different images on one book.
这本书是1860年的了,是用皮革装订的,而且一本书里有两幅画 。
This is a book entitled "Desert Isles." It was produced in the 1920s.
这本书的名字叫《沙洲群岛》,发行于20世纪20年代 。
This is known as a two-way double, one one way and one the other,
and both of them will be hidden under the gold.
而两幅画都藏在金料之下 。
I'm often asked by people, "And how long does this take? How long is that piece of string?"
If you're working on a very small book, it will take you a few hours,
generally speaking, for a typical book of about that sort of size, a day-and-a-half, two days;
if you're working on something like a big Bible, it's not difficult to use a week.
如果是大部头圣经之类的,画上一周也不是什么难事 。
The price reflects the time that goes into it;
the bigger Bibles, the big ones, ooh, six seven hundred pound, something like that.
大部头圣经那种比较大的,差不多六七百镑吧 。
Ah, yes, another Harry Potter, let me just open it up. Gone.
哈,找到了,《哈利波特》我们打开看看 。没了 。
I find these quite satisfying.
我觉得我对这些画还是挺满意的 。
As far as I know, I am the only commercial fore-edge painter working,
and so long as my eyes hang on in there and my hands, I'll continue,
but if I'm ever asked to describe myself, I say "I'm a dad, I'm a grandad and I'm a fore-edge painter, it's...that works for me.
要说怎么描述我自己,我的答案是“我是一个爸爸,也是一个爷爷,还是一名书口画画家,这些就够了 。”