This Great Big Story was made possible by P&G. Love Over Bias
感谢宝洁对本期“伟大的故事”的大力支持 。超越偏见之爱 。
My parents said I could be anything, so I became a guy.
我父母跟我说我可以变成任何性别,于是我决定当个男人 。
And when I'm up on stage, I feel like this is actually who I am.
我觉得,站在舞台上的我才是最真实的我 。
My name is Preston Thomas Martin and I'm a bodybuilder.
我是普勒斯顿·托马斯·马丁,我是一名健美先生 。
The Trans Bodybuilding Competition is a bodybuilding competition for trans men who are pre- or post-op for their top surgery.
变性人健美比赛是专为准备接受和已经接受了变性手术的跨性别男性量身定制的一项健美比赛 。
It's basically like a comfortable setting that we can all come to, those of us who love fitness.
从本质上来讲,这个比赛是我们这些喜欢健身的人都可以来并且会让你觉得很舒适的一个地方 。
This is the third year of the competition and it's grown a lot since it first started.
这项比赛已经举行了两年了,现在跟成立之初比起来已经有很大进步了 。
There's more competitors, there's more people that are coming out to see it, it's just grown bigger and bigger.
参赛选手更多了,来看我们比赛的观众也越来越多了,总之,比赛的规模是越做越大了 。
Quarter turn to the right.
请大家右转四分之一 。
I've always watched the national professional bodybuilders up on stage and I'm just like, "Aw man, I wanna be there one day."
我经常看国家级的专业健美先生比赛的节目,每次看都想着,“啊,好希望自己有一天也能站上那个舞台啊 。”
And this Trans Bodybuilding Competition has done that for trans people.
这个变性人健美比赛就成了变性人群体圆梦的舞台 。
This is a comfortable setting for me to do something that I love to do and show off.
这是一个非常舒适的平台,我能够做我想做的事情,能够给大家炫耀我的身材 。
I came to like bodybuilding because I realized that it helped me a lot.
我喜欢上健美是因为我发现健美真的对我帮助很大 。
As far as my mental health goes, bodybuilding is like therapy for me.
我能够身心健康,健美对我来说是很治愈的 。
It helps me learn how to calm myself.
它能够帮我获得身心的安宁 。
It makes you a stronger person all the way around.
一路走来,它能够让你变得更强大 。
After transitioning, my perspective on masculinity has changed a lot.
变性之后,我对男性气概的看法转变了很多 。
Even though it's been six years since I've been transitioning, I am still a sweetheart.
尽管我已经变性六年了,但我现在内心里仍然是个小甜心 。
When I look in the mirror now, I see a strong person,
but I have really had to look at my life and everything that I have accomplished
and everything that I have been through and been able to come back from.
我经历过的一切,那些经历并没有把我打倒,我重新振作起来了 。
The fact that I am happy with my transition, I'm happy with the way that I'm turning out and the way I'm looking,
I'm happy with how strong I'm becoming mentally.
我对我现在内心的坚强感到很满意 。
I look in the mirror and I can't help but smile. I get excited.
看着镜子里的自己,我就会忍不住笑起来,变得很兴奋 。