Imagine remembering every single day of your life, all in perfect detail.
For those with highly superior autobiographical memory, or H.S.A.M for short, this is their reality.
对于那些拥有超强自传体记忆或简称H.S.A.M人群来说,这就是他们的现实 。
I remember everything that's personally happened to me since I was born.
我记得我出生以来亲身经历过的一切 。
That's Rebecca Sharrock.I was fascinated by this condition, so I called her up to find out more.
刚才说话的是丽贝卡Sharrock,我对这种状况非常好奇,所以我打电话找她了解详细情况 。
Hi, Rebecca.Hi!
嗨,丽贝卡 。嗨!
How are you going? I'm doing alright.It's a very wet Saturday morning here.How are you going?
你最近怎么样?还好啦 。今天周六,早上很潮 。你呢?
Side note, in this moment, I just realized that Rebecca will remember that this day was a wet morning forever.
旁注,这时我突然意识到丽贝卡会永远记得这个潮湿的早晨 。
So, you remember everything in great detail.
每件事你都会记得一清二楚 。
People can remember what they did last Saturday, but I can remember what I did Saturday 10 years ago.
一般人能记住上周六他们做了什么,但我记得十年前的上个星期六我做了什么 。
What about a memory from when you were just a baby?
When I was 12 days old, I was lying down on the fur car seat in my parents' car, and I was staring up at the steering wheel,
and I thought, “What is that?”
Rebecca is one of only 60 people worldwide to have been identified with having H.S.A.M.
全世界的H.S.A.M人群仅仅只有60人,Rebecca就是其中之一 。
All through my teenage years, I thought that everybody remembered in this kind of way.
青少年时期我以为大家的记忆都是这样的 。
I thought it was completely normal.
我以为这是完全正常的 。
It wasn't until she was 21, when her parents decided to submit her to the university of California to undergo two years of testing.
直到21岁时,她的父母决定让她去加利福尼亚大学接受两年的测试 。
After this, she was officially identified as having H.S.A.M.
此后,她就被正式认定为拥有H.S.A.M.了 。
Since memories can come to mind unexpectedly, any time of day, a negative memory like this can make living with H.S.A.M difficult.
由于回忆可能突然涌现,不管是一天中的哪个时间,负面的记忆就会使H.S.A.M人群的生活变得很困难 。
Mom was putting me in this itchy satin dress, and I was crying because I didn't like it,
and mom gave me this Minnie Mouse toy, and I couldn't say anything at the time, but her face terrified me.
妈妈就给了我这只米妮玩具,当时我什么也说不出来,但她的脸让我害怕 。
But on most days H.S.A.M is a gift.
但在大多数日子里,H.S.A.M都是一种恩赐 。
Rebecca can recall happy memories and moments when times get tough.
因为在艰难的岁月里,Rebecca能想起那些美好的回忆和瞬间 。
A good memory that makes me so thankful about having this kind of H.S.A.M memory.
一段美好的回忆会让我非常感激能拥有这种H.S.A.M记忆 。
Thanks for chatting Rebecca.Yup, thanks. Bye.
谢谢你聊天Rebecca 。不客气,也谢谢你 。再见 。