Tucked away in Budapest, Vajdahunyad Castle is medieval in look but not in age.
隐匿于布达佩斯的沃伊达奇城堡虽然外观颇有中世纪建筑的味道,但其实际年代并不久远 。
Built in 1896, this architectural complex was designed to celebrate the first millennium of the Hungarian state.
这座建筑群建于1896年,旨在庆祝匈牙利历史上的首个千年 。
The buildings were supposed to be temporary, so they were made of wooden planks and cardboard designs.
这些建筑原本只想作临时之用,因此都是用木板和纸板设计而成的 。
But Hungarians loved them so much, they were rebuilt with permanent materials in the 1900s
不料深得匈牙利人喜爱,20世纪他们便用永久材料重建了这些建筑 。
The celebratory site features copies of landmarks from all over the larger 19th-Century Hungarian kingdom, combining architectural details of 21 buildings.
这座专为庆典而建的城堡囊括了整个19世纪匈牙利帝国各地的地标,融合了21座建筑的细节特点 。
Like the Romanesque Church of Yak, originally located in western Hungary;
or the Vajdahunyad, or Corvin Castle, located in what is now Romania, and more commonly known to fans of the Dracula myth.
或者位于现在的罗马尼亚的沃伊达奇城堡,又名科尔文城堡,而这座城堡对德古拉神话迷来说则更为熟悉 。
It's believed that Vlad the Impaler was once imprisoned there.
传言弗拉德四世就曾被囚禁在该城堡中 。
The name of the Romanian Castle ended up being adopted by Budapestians for the whole compound.
最终被布达佩斯人最终选用了罗马尼亚那座城堡的名字来命名整个建筑群 。
Several Austrian palaces are represented, as well, featuring a blend of Renaissance and Baroque architecture,
demonstrating the diversity of styles that spread across the Austria-Hungarian Empire.
彰显了奥匈帝国建筑风格的多样性 。
And just like the castles it's built to imitate, Vajdahunyad is built to be defended.
正如它所仿建的那些城堡一样,沃伊达奇城堡也是修来被防御的 。
It's accessible only by four bridges, stretching across the surrounding lake
只有通过横跨环堡湖的四座桥才能抵达城堡 。
For over a century, the castle has continued to be enjoyed by Budapestians and tourists alike who come to relish in this truly Hungarian artifact.
一个多世纪以来,这个城堡一直为前来享受这一地道匈牙利艺术品的布达佩斯人和游客所喜爱 。