The movie makeover is you know sort of the convention is boiled down to the girl takes off her glasses and she's hot.
形象改造类电影指的就是那种归结起来就是女孩摘掉眼镜变性感的电影类型 。
That's Todd Vanderwerff, Vox. com's culture editor.
这位是Vox.com的文化编辑Todd Vanderwerff 。
We got together to talk about makeover movies.
我找他聊了聊形象改造类电影 。
You know the ones.
那种电影大家是知道的 。
Given the right look, the right boyfriend, bam,
in six weeks she's the one being crowned prom queen.
六个星期她就能变成舞会女王 。”
For all that it gets made fun of, and justifiably made fun of,
I think Rachel Leigh Cook sells the makeover in She's All That to the degree that I'm like "Okay, sure"
nobody noticed that she looked like Rachel Leigh Cook until now.
直到现在,人们才发现她长得像雷切尔·利库克 。
One of the very first movies with a makeover as its central plotline was a film called Now, Voyager starring Bette Davis.
关于改头换面的首批电影中就有Bette Davis主演的那部《扬帆》 。
Charlotte, played by Davis pretty much had every single convention you see in makeover movies today.
戴维斯扮演的夏洛特身上几乎带着我们能在当下改造电影中看到的每一个套路 。
She was shy and nervous, she wore glasses, she had a unibrow
and after a brief stint in a sanatorium, she came out looking like real winner.
在疗养院短暂停留后,再出现时看起来已经颇有人生赢家的风范了 。
I've lost over 25 pounds it won't fit!
It's rooted in Cinderella, it's rooted in any story of the girl or the boy
who discovers they are secretly royalty which is a famous fairytale convention.
发现自己原来是王室成员——著名的童话套路——的故事的电影 。
Me, a...a princess? Shut up!
Alright, so there are a few things that always happen in a makeover movie.
好吧,改头换面电影的确有一些常见的套路 。
1. You have to establish that the girl or guy is invisible to the people around them or clumsy or both.
1.必须确定这个女孩或男孩是那种在生活中不会被人注意到的,很笨拙的,或者两者兼而有之的那种人 。
2. You have to find them a seemingly unattainable love interest.
2. 必须给他们设置一段看似无法实现的爱情 。
Yeah. see what'd I tell you? Hot, right? Yeah, baby.
“哇,我说什么来着?性感吧?” 没错,宝贝儿 。
3. Their friends convince them that the only way to get out of their shitty situation is a makeover.
3. 他们的朋友要说服他们,摆脱尴尬处境的唯一方法就是改头换面 。
Let's do a makeover
4. The big reveal.
4.隆重登场 。
She looks beautiful
It's occasionally been gender flipped and you have the guy like does his hair a different way
and suddenly everyone is like "Oh wow, what a good looking guy!"
"Yes yes, big improvement."
“对了,对了,进步很大嘛 。”
What I think is interesting about the makeover story is that,
Probably in past 30 years, we don't want it to be that easy.
差不多过去的30年里,我们并不希望生活变得太简单 。
Clueless is perfect for this.
《独领风骚》可谓将这一点阐述得淋漓尽致 。
Sher's main thrill in life is a makeover okay it gives her a sense of control in a world full of chaos.
“谢尔生活中最大的亮点就是那次改造了好吗,改造让她感觉自己还能掌控这个混乱的世界 。”
Clueless is based on the Jane Austen novel, Emma.
《独领风骚》改编自简·奥斯汀的小说《爱玛》 。
It gets at some of her themes of social class and propriety and what women are allowed to be.
对奥斯丁关于社会阶层、礼仪以及社会允许女人将自己塑造成什么样等主题也都有涉及 。
And the character who needs the makeover basically is Alicia Silver Stone's character.
需要进行改造的基本上是艾丽西亚·希尔维斯通饰演的角色 。
She doesn't realize that until the very end and like in someways the audience doesn't as well.
直到最后,她才意识到这一点,而且连观众也是如此 。
It's a marvelously structured movie like if you look at it at that level.
从这个层面上讲,这可以说是一部结构非常奇妙的电影 。
Let me just do a shout out the recent movie, The Duff.
在这里,我想给前不久一部名叫《丑女也有春天》的电影打个call 。
How could you guys not tell me this whole time that I was your Duff"
You what?
Your designated ugly fat friend.
“你们钦定的又丑又胖的朋友 。”
The Duff really got understood that Mae Whitman's character in that movie
was not going to put on a pink prom dress and suddenly be Taylor Swift.
并不是那种穿上粉红色的舞会礼服就能变成泰勒·斯威夫特(大红人)的人 。
She was always going to be kind of the quirky funny girl.
她一直都是那个古怪而有趣的姑娘 。
Are you wearing pajamas?
Oh my God! You know, I get it Wesley, ok?
I'm a disgusting, I'm a swamp thing, I'm a regular Bela Lugosi!
The makeover was less about becoming someone who was conventionally attractive to like dudes,
and more about becoming the kind of girl she would be when was a junior in college and had sort of figured her shit out.
而更多的是她到大三会成为的那种已经知道如何面对困难的女孩 。
With some intensive work, she'll be ready for the world's finest trailer park.
“多下点功夫,她也能变成最引人注意的美女 。”
Makeover movies aren't the most sophisticated stories in the world,
but it's a trope that resonates with people.
但它是一个能与观众产生共鸣的比喻 。
Teenagers constantly want to hear that they're okay the way they are.
青少年时常想听别人告诉他们他们那样子是没有问题的 。
That's ultimately what the makeover movie is about.
形象改造电影讲的就是这个问题 。
It's about that when you put the glasses back on and the prom dress comes off,
you're dressed in your artsy pain spattered overalls, you're still a worthwhile person.
穿上倾注了非常多精力的工作服,你仍然是一个有价值的人 。