In the day's other news: President Trump pardoned conservative author and critic of President Obama Dinesh D'Souza.
其它方面,特朗普总统赦免了保守派作家,奥巴马总统批评者迪尼斯·狄索莎 。
D'Souza had made illegal campaign contributions and had been sentenced to five years of federal probation in 2014.
2014年,狄索莎曾为竞选提供非法捐款,被判5年联邦缓刑 。
Mr. Trump also said he might commute the sentence of Rod Blagojevich, the former Democratic governor of Illinois.
特朗普还称他或许可以缩减罗德·布拉戈耶维奇的服刑时间,布拉戈耶维奇曾是伊利诺斯州民主党州长 。
He's currently serving 14 years in prison for corruption. And the president talked of pardoning businesswoman Martha Stewart.
因贪污被判监禁14年,总统还谈到了赦免女商人玛撒·斯图尔特 。
She served five months in prison stemming from a sale of stock before the price plunged.
她被判监禁五个月,原因是在股价走低之前抛售 。
President Trump traveled to Texas today, and met with families of those who died in the Santa Fe school shooting.
今天总统来到了德州,探望圣达菲枪击案的遇难家属 。
Governor Greg Abbott and Republican Senator Ted Cruz were on hand as Air Force One touched down in Houston.
州长格雷格·阿伯特以及共和党人,参议员特德·克鲁兹在现场迎接,总统乘坐空军一号抵达休斯顿 。
The meeting with families was private.
总统与家属进行了私人会面 。
Later, the president went on to a series of campaign fund-raising events in Houston and in Dallas.
此后,总统在休斯顿和达拉斯举行了一系列筹款活动 。
Mr. Trump claimed again today that ousting FBI Director James Comey had nothing to do with the Russia investigation.
今天总统再次称遭到罢免的FBI局长詹姆斯·科米与俄罗斯调查毫无关系 。
He tweeted: Not that it matters, but I never fired James Comey because of Russia.
他在推特中提到:如今已经无关紧要了,但我没有因俄罗斯问题而解雇詹姆斯·科米 。
In fact, he has previously said the opposite, at least twice.
事实上,此前他至少两次与之截然相反 。
The first time came within days of Comey's dismissal in May of last year.
第一次是去年5月份,就在科米被解雇的几天之内 。
Regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey, knowing there was no good time to do it.
尽管出现了意见和建议,但我还是要解雇科米,这种事情没有好时机 。
And in fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, you know,
this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.
俄罗斯和特朗普问题是编造的 。
It's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.
这是民主党输掉竞选的借口,他们认为他们本应该赢下 。
Special counsel Robert Mueller is now investigating the Comey firing as possible obstruction of justice.
特别顾问罗伯特·米勒目前正在调查科米被解雇一事,调查是否有阻碍司法的可能性 。