Voice 1: Soon after the accident, over two hundred people went to the hospital. Thirty-one of those people died there. But the people who died then were not the only people affected by the Chernobyl nuclear accident. People still felt the effects of the radiation many years after the accident. Many groups do not agree about how many people died because of the radiation. The World Health Organization estimates that nine thousand people died. Greenpeace esitmates that it was as high as two hundred thousand.
声音1:事故发生后不久,有超过200人前往医院就医 。其中31人在医院死亡 。但是受到切尔诺贝利核事故影响的不仅仅是当时死亡的那些人 。在事故发生了许多年之后,人们仍能感受到辐射的影响 。许多组织在辐射导致的死亡人数上存在分歧 。世界卫生组织估计,有9000人死于辐射 。而绿色和平组织则估计,高达20万人因辐射而死 。
Voice 2: As Anya became older. Lena noticed that her daughter was often sick. She believed it was because of the radiation.
声音2:随着安雅逐渐长大,莉娜发现她的女儿经常生病 。她认为这是辐射造成的后果 。
Voice 3: "At that time you were not allowed to say it was because of Chernobyl. Later a doctor told me I had been very unlucky. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time of my pregnancy."
声音3:“当时不能说是切尔诺贝利事故造成的影响 。之后一名医生告诉我,我非常不幸 。因为我在怀孕期间,在错的时间出现在了错误的地方 。”