Voice 3: "When we set off on the first (part) of the race, the first shock was the heat. By nine a.m., it was over thirty-two degrees. It reached fifty-two degrees when we were running across the sand (hills). (In the beginning) I did not drink enough water. I finished the (first) day with a headache. I could not imagine six more days of this."
声音3:“我们开始赛跑的第一阶段时,首先令我们震惊的就是酷热 。上午9点时,沙漠的温度已经超过32度了 。当我们在沙丘上奔跑时,温度已经达到了52度 。一开始,我没有喝足够的水 。我完成第一天的比赛时头很痛 。我无法想象还要再经过6天的赛程 。”
Voice 4: "The land is bad. Really bad. Hard, rocky, sandy, and never-ending. The size of the Sahara desert will scare you if you are smart."
声音4:“土地的情况非常糟糕 。真的非常糟糕 。土地又硬、岩石又多、又铺满沙子,而且没有尽头 。即使你很聪明,你也会被撒哈拉沙漠的范围吓到的 。”
Voice 5: "The wind was (blowing). I could barely see anything. And I was surrounded by ninety metre high sand (hills)... That is when I had (a little) mental breakdown."
声音5:“风一直在吹 。我几乎什么也看不见 。我周围是90米高的沙丘 。那时我的精神有些崩溃了 。”
Voice 6: "I did the Marathon Des Sables because I thought it would be a (hard) race. I was wrong. It was nearly impossible. Everything (about the marathon) is the (hardest), longest, coldest, hottest."
声音6:“我参加撒哈拉沙漠马拉松是因为我本以为那只是一场艰难的比赛 。我错了 。那几乎是不可能完成的比赛 。这是一场最艰难、最长、最冷又是最热的马拉松 。”