Voice 1: Some people are concerned about face transplants for moral reasons. They say that the operation puts looks above health. Face transplants are very dangerous. This danger may be too great just for the way a person looks. But other experts argue that living with a face that looks very strange can have terrible effects too. It can force a person to live alone, afraid of people’s reactions.
声音1:一些人因为道德原因对脸部移植手术感到担心 。他们认为,这种手术将面容置于健康之上 。脸部移植手术非常危险 。只是为了面貌,那要承担的风险未免过大 。但是其他专家认为,以一张看起来极其奇怪的脸生活也会产生可怕的影响 。那可能使一个被迫独自生活,而且还会对其他人的反应感到害怕 。
Voice 2: Technology for face transplants will create new choices for people. This is not just for people who have suffered injuries. It includes people with other problems - such as diseases that mark their faces. Doctors have the technology to give people whole new faces - if they wish.
声音2:脸部移植技术将为人们提供新的选择 。不只是受伤的人可以进行脸部移植手术 。有其他问题的人也可以进行手术,比如因疾病造成面部毁损的人 。如果人们愿意,医生可以用这项技术使他们拥有一张全新的面孔 。