So nice to finally meet you, yeah. We have never met.
很高兴终于见到你了 嗯 我们还从来没见过
And I'm a huge fan of yours and the show. I love the show.
我是你和你作品的大粉丝 我很喜欢你的节目
Same. And I'm a huge fan of Heads Up. Are you?
一样的 我是Heads Up的大粉丝 是吗?
Next time you're here, we're going to play Heads Up.
下次你来的时候 我们玩Heads Up
Bring it, yeah. Let's do it. Now I have to see.
来啊 好 可以 现在我得看看
All right, let's talk about the most important thing that I learned about you today.
好 我们来聊聊我今天了解的关于你最重要的一件事
You commissioned someone to paint a portrait of your cat.
I did, yes. My cat-- he kind of looks like the Dr. Evil cat, but with hair.
是的 对 我的猫 他有点像邪恶先生猫 只不过是带毛的
And one day, I was working on my computer at my house, and I hear someone peeing in my toilet.
有一天 我在家里用电脑工作 结果听到厕所里有小便的声音
And I'm alone. I live alone.
我是一个人住的 我独居
And so obviously, I'm alarmed, because there's a very strange burglar who's decided to use my bathroom.
很明显 我立马就警觉了起来 因为有个很奇怪的窃贼想盗用我的卫生间
Right. And so I leap up, and I throw open the door, and I see this.
对 所以我就起身去打开卫生间门 看到了这一幕
I see my cat, who is using the toilet.
我看到我的猫 是它在上厕所
I didn't teach him how to do this.
He just did this one day and surprised me.
它有一天就这么做了 让我很惊讶
So I had to snap a photo, and then I have a good friend, artist Taylor Wright,
所以我赶紧抓拍了一张 我有个好朋友艺术家泰勒·赖特
who painted this amazing picture of it, which now hangs in my bathroom.
他画了这张很好看的照片 现在挂在我的卫生间里
Right. Obviously, the cat did not pose for that.
对 很明显 猫并没有摆拍
He didn't pose. No, we walked in on him. That's him going. Yeah.
它没有凹姿势 没有 被我抓了个正着 那就是他在尿尿 嗯
He painted really, really fast. That's the original photo.
他画的很快 那是原来的照片
That's what I walked in on. So now, does the cat continue to do that?
那就是我进去看到的一幕 现在 猫还会这么做吗?
Yeah. Really? He just taught himself. I just--
会 真的呀?它自学的 我
Does he know how to flush? I wish.
No, that's the only thing, is when you walk in, you're like, oh, great, there's cat litter on that seat.
它不会 这就是 当你走进去的时候 会发现 哦 坐垫上有猫便便
And that's not fun. But that's amazing.
感觉挺不好的 不过很厉害呀
Now, in the painting, it looks black and white.
在画里面 猫是黑白色的
Here, it looks like it just came in from being homeless. Is that--
在照片里 它看着像一只无家可归的喵 那是
It's not as good looking in the picture.
Is that a black-and-white cat?
He's a black-and-white cat, yes.
对 是黑白色的
I don't know why I think black-and-white cats are more clever, but they seem to be.
不知道为什么 我觉得黑白色的猫会更聪明 看起来就是这种感觉
I think they are. They do seem to be more clever.
我觉得是的 它们确实比较聪明
And that proves it right there. He's kind of like a Batman cat.
这就是证据 它有点像只蝙蝠侠猫
He's got the mask, and the cape, and--
戴着面具 还有斗篷
Yeah, no, he's a he's a good-looking cat.
对 不 它很好看 长的很漂亮
And the fact that he pees in the toilet is-- I'm--
而且它去厕所小便的事实 我
He's a perfect cat. He's a genius. Yeah, genius.
它很完美 是个天才 对 天才
What's his name? Smoky. Smoky.
它叫什么 Smoky Smoky
Yes, that's him waking me up in the morning.
对 那是它早上叫我起床
Did Smoky take that selfie? Was his paw on the other side--
He set the timer-- I see. --and then climbed behind me, yeah.
它定了时 明白了 然后爬到我背后 对
Smoky, that's a great face.
Smoky 长得真好看
OK, so you live-- you and Smokey live in Tennessee.
好 你住在 你跟Smoky一起住在田纳西州
Tennessee. And why Tennessee?
田纳西州 为什么是田纳西州呢
Well, I'm from the South originally. I grew up in the woods.
我是来自南方的女孩 在丛林间长大
With some bears? And so I wanted to be--with some bears-- with some deers.
跟熊一起吗?我想要 跟熊还有鹿一起
And I wanted to be close to home.
And I had a son, who's 4 and 1/2 now.
我有个儿子 现在四岁半了
And I just was like, you know, you're going to have two actor parents in LA.
我当时是想 他的父母都会在洛杉矶当演员
Let's go to the South for a while and give you some trees and some grass to run around in.
我们去南方待一段时间吧 让你有森林和草丛可以奔跑
Yeah, yeah. What a great place to grow up.
对 对 让你的成长环境更好
Trees and grass, very important. I'm very outdoorsy.
树木和草丛 很重要的 我特别喜欢户外活动
I spend most of my time in the desert with cowboys, you know?
It's a show, but we're really out there doing this, and riding horses, and shooting guns.
这是个节目 不过我们是真的在沙漠拍这些 还有骑马 射击
Did you ride horses before you did the show? I did.
I've been riding since I was a kid.
Because if you've seen the show-- how many people have seen Westworld?
如果你们看过这个剧 有多少人看过《西部世界》?
Have you seen the show?
I mean, you're on a horse, and you're galloping, and you're holding a gun.
你骑着马 飞速前进 还拿着枪
And you have to really be good at that.
My first day back at work for season two,
they asked me if I could ride a horse with no hands while shooting a rifle, full speed.
他们问我能不能不拉缰绳 双手开枪 全速前进
That's the one I'm talking about, yeah. Yes, that was really me.
我说的就是那个 对 那拍的就是我
That was not on a green screen. It was-- Full speed, though.
那不是后期P的 是 全速前进
That's pretty impressive. Full speed, full speed.
相当厉害呀 全速前进 速度很快
You'd think they wouldn't let you do that for insurance purposes.
你会觉得他们出于保险问题 不想让你那么做
That's what I kept saying. I kept going, you know this is the first day, right?
我也是一直这么说的 我一直说 这是开工第一天 对吧?
You don't want to save this for the end?
Are you are killing my character off, or something?
Right. Tell everybody-- it's a very intriguing concept.
对 告诉大家 这个剧的概念很迷人
Explain what is happening. Well, it kind of explores AI somewhere in the not-so-distant future.
跟大家说一下故事情节 它主要就是探索了不久的未来的人工智能
And instead of these virtual reality worlds, they've literally built entire worlds,
不过不是那些虚拟现实的世界 他们建造了整个世界
and they've filled them with these robot characters that don't know they're robots.
用那些机器人角色来拍摄 他们不知道自己是机器人
So you can actually go and have an experience in the Wild West, or-- it's like a theme park.
你可以去西部荒原体验一下 像主题公园一样
But of course, the robots become sentient, and start to rebel and take over,
当然了 这些机器人变得有感情了 开始反抗和掌控一切
which is pretty much where we're going to pick up in season two.
Yeah. It's a really-- it's a scary concept, that these people are so bored by playing video games,
嗯 真的 这个观念挺吓人的 人们厌倦了打电子游戏
or whatever, and they have enough money to go, and pay, and have these experiences.
或者其他的 他们都很富有 可以花钱买这些经历
And some of them, not so nice.
其中有些人 不太友好
Yes, it shows the darker side of humanity and what really makes us human at the end of the day.
对 它展示了人性比较黑暗的一面 以及最终什么才让我们生而为人
Yeah, it's really good. It's really good.
对 真的很好 很好
The second season of Westworld premieres this Sunday at 9:00 on HBO.