Our product testers come to work just like anybody else.
我们的产品测试人员工作起来和其他人并没有什么不同 。
Their job here, though, is problem solving.
只不过,他们的工作是解决问题 。
They're here to put their backs into it, little bit of elbow grease.
他们是用他们的背部,加上一点点的体力活 。
The big difference is that they are 600-pound hungry grizzly bears.
最大的不同是他们是体重600磅(500多斤)肚子空空的大灰熊 。
This is Randy.
这是兰迪 。
He works at the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center just outside the gates of Yellowstone National Park.
他在黄石国家公园门外的“灰熊与狼探索中心”工作 。
When bears become habituated to human food, they often become dangerous and are either killed or put into captivity.
当熊对人类的食物上瘾以后,它们往往会变得十分危险,所以要么最后被杀死了,要么就被关起来了 。
So to keep bears and people safe,
Randy runs a program that tests coolers, trash cans and other food storage containers on live bears.
兰迪搞了一个项目,用活熊来测试冷却器,垃圾桶和其他食品储存容器 。
If the containers pass the test, they're given bear-resistant certification.
如果容器通过了测试,就能拿到耐熊认证 。
The bears here at the center are all rescued bears from the wild.
这个中心的熊都是从野外救回来的 。
These are bears that gained access to unnatural, unsecured foods and no longer can live in the wild.
这些熊都是曾经吃非天然,无安全保障的食物的,他们已经无法在野外生存了 。
We have seven grizzly bears total.
我们一共有七只灰熊 。
They're super, super strong; they're very, very smart, but it's that sense of smell that really gets them the food reward.
他们超级强壮;也非常非常聪明,但真正让他们得到食物奖励的是他们的嗅觉 。
Their job is to sniff out weaknesses in products.
他们的工作就是嗅出产品的弱点 。
They are the ultimate testers here at the center.
他们是我们中心的终极测试人员 。
Once the product is here, we bait the product with the bear's favorite food, whether it be fish, meat, peanut butter, honey.
产品送到这里以后,我们就用熊最喜欢的食物,鱼啊,肉啊,花生酱啦蜂蜜啦,做成诱饵放到产品里 。
In a way, you could say I'm the chef for the bears
since I'm preparing their favorite meals to try to entice the bears to get into those products.
因为我要准备他们最喜欢的食物,诱使他们弄开这些产品 。
If it's a cooler, it requires padlocks.
如果产品是冷却器,就需要给它上锁 。
Put it out in the bear habitat, and let the bears at it.
把它放在熊的地盘上,把它交给熊 。
Once the bears start the testing process,
the clock begins and it's a one-hour time-frame that the bears are given in order to try to gain access to that product.
我们就开始计时,熊有一个小时的时间来弄开那个产品 。
Some of the most common techniques the bears use when they're trying to get in a product
is the biting, the chewing, the clawing, yeah, a little bit of smashing.
咬,嚼,用着用爪子,嗯,偶尔也会摔一摔什么的 。
But they also do what we call the CPR method,
so they're bouncing up and down with their front paws, anything to try to find that weak point in that product.
就是用前掌按在上面然后来回压,总之就是用各种办法去找出产品的缺陷 。
A lot of times they're gonna get a little hole started and then, literally from there, they're tearing the product apart.
很多时候,他们会先弄一个小洞,然后从那里把产品弄开 。
So it has to withstand that one hour, and if it passes, it then gets that certification of being bear resistant.
所以,产品必须要能承受这一小时的破坏,如果成功通过了,就能拿到耐熊认证 。
This cooler passed the test.
这个冷却箱通过了测试 。
Even though it got some damage on the top lid, they were not able to get through that outer layer.
即使顶盖上有一些破损,熊还是没能把盖子打开 。
All the product testing is video taped, so the manufacturers, they're gonna review that footage.
所有的产品测试环节都有视频录像,这样,制造商就能回看了 。
If a product fails, the manufacturer's gonna have to go back to the drawing board and make some changes.
如果产品没有通过测试,制造商将必须进行设计返工修改 。
That would be a fail.
这个箱子就没能通过测试 。
The product testing is open to the public,
and hopefully when they leave here they have a better understanding of how smart and how strong bears are and how food driven they are.
顺利的话,大家在离开的时候也会对熊的聪明和强壮程度以及它们对食物有多渴望有一个更好的了解 。
There is a saying that a fed bear is a dead bear,
and it basically means that when those bears get into unnatural food sources, they're gonna be hanging around our houses,
and they're more prone to get into trouble.
就更容易陷入困境 。
So working here at the Grizzly Center for 20 plus years,
really I've learned to appreciate and love the bears here and want to keep the bears out in the wild where they belong.
我已经学会了赏识和爱护这里的熊,我也希望它们能够回到野外,那才是属于他们的地方 。