According to American Addiction Centers,
roughly 45% of the U.S. population has been exposed to some form of alcoholism or alcoholic behavior within their family.
约45%的美国人处于酗酒环境家庭中或有家人有酗酒行为 。
This translates to as many as 76 million people and approximately 26 million of those individuals are children.
转换成具体数字即七千六百万人,并且其中约两千六百万人是儿童 。
Our purpose is to create a space where you feel safe, heard and connected in regards to the struggles you face.
我们的目的在于创造一个让你感觉安全、被倾听的连接空间,面对这些挣扎 。
Even though this article pertains to alcoholic parents,
if you were raised in a household that had overly strict religious attitudes, parents with chronic illnesses
or parents exhibiting other compulsive behavior such as gambling, drug abuse or overeating, then you may also find it relatable.
或者是父母有其他强迫行为,如赌博、滥用药物或暴饮暴食,那么你会发现这篇文章的联系 。
We hope that by passing along the following information, it helps you understand what's happening ,
whether that pertains to the relationship you have with others or the conflict you experience internally.
这些是否和你与他人的关系相关或是与你内心中的冲突相关 。
Here's seven ways alcoholic parents affect their children.
以下是酗酒父母影响孩子的7种方式 。
1. You have a hard time understanding what normal healthy family relationships are.
1. 难以理解什么是正常健康的家庭关系 。
Adult children struggle with understanding what a normal family is like because they don't have an example to follow during their childhood.
成年孩子常难以理解一个正常健康的家庭关系是什么样的,因为回顾童年,他们找不到一个参考的例子 。
As a result, they have to guess what it means to be normal.
因此,他们不得不去猜测正常是什么意思 。
They may also not understand the difference between good role models and bad ones.
他们可能还无法理解好榜样和坏榜样之间的区别 。
When you're little you expect your parents to be superheroes, so their behavior and actions are never wrong, even if they hurt you.
当你小的时候,你期待自己的父母是超级英雄,因此父母的行为绝不会是错误的,即使他们伤害了你 。
2. You're hard on yourself and you find it challenging to relax or make light of situations.
2. 对自己苛刻,想要放松自己或缓解气氛很困难 。
Children of alcoholic parents have a hard time giving themselves a break.
酗酒父母的孩子难以给自己一个休息的机会 。
They often feel like they have to go the extra mile and do things to the best of their ability because they feel like a failure otherwise.
他们常认为自己不得不做得更多、更好,因为他们觉得自己是个失败者 。
As a result, children of alcoholic parents may grow up with identity issues
because they're unsure about who they are when they aren't doing more to fulfill themselves.
因为当他们无法实现自我时,就无法确定自己是谁 。
3. You have trust issues which makes it difficult for you to establish close intimate relationships.
3. 患有信任问题,难以建立亲密的关系 。
Children who grow up with alcoholic parents find it hard to trust others when they experience such a chaotic relationship with them.
由酗酒父母养育的孩子在经历混沌的关系时难以信任别人 。
It's their first relationship they ever built which leaves a huge scarring effect
that unfortunately influences the way they form relationships later on in their adulthood.
不幸的是,这影响了他们在成年期建立关系的方式 。
They have difficulty being vulnerable and opening up, afraid that someone will hurt or betray them
because they've been constantly led down by their parents toxic behavior.
因为他们父母的有害行为一直让他们失望 。
4. You're frightened by conflict, angry people and authority figures in general.
4. 害怕冲突、生气的人和权威人物 。
Alcoholic parents can be angry, mean and abusive.
酗酒父母易怒、刻薄且恶语相待 。
As a result, children who grow up with them may experience verbal, physical and/or sexual abuse
because their parents may not have created a safe space where they were allowed to express their emotions,
they may try to avoid conflict at all costs because they fear upsetting their parents.
他们会试图不顾一切的避免冲突,因为他们害怕让自己的父母烦恼 。
This makes it hard for children to confront their alcoholic parents about issues that hurt or bother them.
这使得孩子难以在一些问题上面对自己的酗酒父母,这些问题可能会伤害或麻烦到父母 。
5. You have a fear of being abandoned.
5. 害怕被抛弃 。
Alcoholic parents are often emotionally or physically unavailable.
酗酒父母在情感或肢体上都不可靠 。
As a result, children who are raised by them often develop a fear of being abandoned.
因此,由他们养育的孩子常产生被抛弃的恐惧感 。
When they find themselves in relationships that are bad for them, they don't always know how to leave them
because the thought of being alone scares them more.
因为一想到要孤身一人让他们更加害怕 。
6. You're either super responsible and half perfectionistic tendencies or the opposite.
6. 要么是超级负责并有半完美主义倾向,要么相反 。
Children who grow up with alcoholic parents may have faced a lot of harsh criticism from them.
和酗酒父母生活的孩子会面对来自父母大量的严厉批评 。
This often causes the child to try to be perfect in order to avoid hearing hurtful words.
这场导致孩子为了避免听到那些让人伤心的话而试图变得完美 。
As a result, children of alcoholic parents may grow up to be workaholics and overachievers.
因此,酗酒家庭中的孩子长大后可能是工作狂或超等优秀生 。
They also tend to blame themselves, so they may take responsibility for problems that weren't even their own.
他们还会责怪自己,承担那些本不属于自己的责任 。
On the other hand, children who grew up with alcoholic parents may become irresponsible, too,
when they've given up on trying to be perfect.
这种情况发生于他们放弃变得完美后 。
Since their parents always criticized them, they may not see the point in trying at all.
因为他们的父母总是批评他们,他们可能完全不懂尝试的要点 。
7. You may often be attracted to excitement and want to save people, confusing love with pity.
7. 常被刺激所吸引,想去拯救别人,弄不清爱和同情 。
Children of alcoholics are often attracted to excitement because they have experienced an unpredictable rollercoaster of chaos.
酗酒者的孩子常被刺激所吸引,因为他们经历过一种不可预测的混乱 。
As a result, they mistake that sort of instability as passion, so they seek the same kind of experience within the romantic relationships.
因此,他们会错把不稳定当做激情,他们在恋爱关系中寻求同一种经历 。
Often, adult children of alcoholics are attracted to cold and emotionally unavailable partners who they try to fix or save.
成年孩子常被冷漠且情感上不可靠的伴侣所吸引,想去治愈或拯救他们 。
It makes them feel wanted but those type of relationships are inevitably sour when they entered them all for the wrong reasons initially.
这让他们感觉自己被需要,但是当他们因为最初的错误原因而走进时,这种类型的关系会不可避免的变得讨厌 。
Living in a household that negatively affected your personal growth can be difficult.
在负面影响的家庭中生活很艰难 。
We want to let you know that you're not alone and encourage you to share your story with us in the comments below.
我们想让你知道你不是一个人,我们想鼓励你在下方评论分享你的故事 。
On a lighter note, Psych2Go is now selling shirts, check the description for links to our store. Don't forget to subscribe and as always thanks for watching.
Psych2Go现在开始卖衬衫了,点击下方店铺链接 。不要忘记订阅,感谢收看 。