According to the World Health Organization,
roughly 800,000 people commit suicide every year along with many more suicide attempts.
每年约有八十万人自杀,还有更多人有自杀倾向 。
Suicide is the highest leading cause of death for people 15 to 29 years old,
second highest among ages 15 to 34 and third highest among ages 10 to 14.
在年龄段15到34岁之间是第二位致死原因,在年龄段10到14岁间是第三位 。
There are many factors that increase the likelihood of suicide.
自杀迹象增长的因素众多 。
Here are the three most common factors.
以下是三点最常见因素 。
No.1 Major depression.
第一,重性抑郁 。
Major depression affects people both physically and psychologically.
重性抑郁给人带来身体和心理上的影响 。
It can cause painful body aches and impair the victims ability to see cognitive solutions.
它会引发身体上的疼痛并损害受害者看见认知解决方案的能力 。
This distortion of cognition causes people who commit suicide to believe the world would be a better place without them.
这种扭曲的认知会让自杀者认为如果没有他们世界将会更美好 。
No.2 Loss of control.
第二,失控 。
Impulsive tendencies lead to a lack of control resulting in maladaptive behaviors such as substance abuse.
冲动倾向导致缺乏控制,从而导致适应不良性行为,如物质滥用 。
Impulsivity breeds fear and anxiety which causes people to believe suicide
is the only action they can take to put an end to maladaptive thoughts or behaviors.
自杀是他们结束适应不良想法或行为的唯一方法 。
No.3 Overwhelming regrets.
第三,势不可挡的遗憾 。
Most cultures believe that making a mistake is a sign of failure.
大多数文化都相信犯错误是失败的迹象 。
Also, some people internalize their mistakes to the point of believing they're beyond forgiveness.
同样,一些人将自己的错误藏在心里并认为他们不可被原谅 。
This may cause them to believe the only reprimand that would bring justice to the act they committed is suicide.
这可能导致他们相信能够审判自己行为的唯一责难就是自杀 。
Many argue that suicide is a senseless act.
许多人争辩道自杀是一种愚蠢的行为 。
But one's cognition has the ability to make sense of the most senseless things,
especially if they have major depression or impulsivity.
特别是如果他们患有重度抑郁或易冲动时 。
Prior to the act of suicide, there is a process of negative thoughts that manifest in physical and mental pain.
在自杀之前,会有负面思考的过程,这会体现在身体和心理疼痛上 。
The act of suicide is seen as cathartic for people who suffer from guilt.
自杀被看成是身负内疚感之人的精神宣泄 。
Understanding that suicide makes sense to the suicidal person is an important step to getting them the help they need.
自杀对于有自杀倾向的人而言是有意义,理解这一点是为他们提供所需帮助的重要一步 。
One major sign of suicide is withdrawal.
自杀的一个主要迹象就是退缩 。
Withdrawal can be linked to one feeling shame for thinking about suicide or
believing their feelings aren't being heard or acknowledged.
认为他们的感觉不被倾听或理解的人相关联 。
Reacting to the signs of suicide without stigma or shame could be the key to establishing a dialog
with a suicidal person and getting them the proper treatment.
为他们提供合适的治疗的关键 。