The town of Dambulla is home to the largest and best-preserved cave complex in Sri Lanka.
丹布拉镇拥有斯里兰卡最大,保存最完好的洞穴建筑群 。
While there are more than 80 documented caves in the half-acre surrounding Dambulla,
there are five major caves that draw the most visitors because each of these caves contains a sprawling temple.
吸引游客最多的要数其中的五个主要的洞穴,它们中的每一个的内部都有一座庞大的寺庙 。
A reoccurring image throughout the complex is Buddha.
整个建筑群内佛陀的形象随处可见 。
He can be found in golden statue form, measuring nearly 100 feet long.
有的佛像金碧辉煌,身长可达100英尺 。
The Cave of Kings contains over 55 different statues, with the largest one measuring 50 feet tall.
洞穴之王内55多座形态各异的雕像,最高的一座有50英尺 。
In another cave, there is a ceiling with over 1,500 paintings of Buddha on it.
在另一个石窟中,天花板上绘有1,500多幅佛教彩色壁画 。
In addition to the frequent presence of Buddhas,
there are also statues and depictions of Sri Lankan kings and other gods and deities throughout.
这里还有斯里兰卡国王和其他宗教神灵的雕像和绘画 。
The cave temples have existed for over 22 centuries,
and in recent years, have undergone conservation efforts to ensure they are around for many centuries to come.
近年来,人们正在积极实施保护措施,确保它们在未来数百年内能够继续流传 。