Okay, so let's just, let's just put it on the table, here, okay,
行了 。我们就直说吧,好吗?
E.T. is frequently cited as one of the worst video games in history.
《E.T.》被频频列入有史以来最糟糕的电子游戏行列 。
I got to read a magazine that said that my game was single-handedly responsible for the crash of the video game industry in the early 80s.
我看到有杂志说,就是我开发的这款游戏导致了八十年代早期电子游戏行业的暴跌 。
That's a good one.
People are reticent to ask me about it, they think I'm very sensitive about it,
说到这个大家就会很小心翼翼,因为他们觉得我对这个问题会很敏感 。
you know, “Oh my God, you did the worst game of all time, you know, don't you wanna hide?” and it's like, no.
他们想说“我的老天爷,你做了个有史以来最糟糕的游戏,你会不会想找个地缝钻进去?”当然不会了 。
Howard Scott Warshaw. He was a video game programmer for Atari in the early 80s.
这位是Howard Scott Warshaw,他是雅达利八十年代早期的一位电脑游戏设计师 。
He made some of the most beloved games for the Atari 2600.
他设计过几款雅达利2000最热门的游戏 。
I made Yars' Revenge, then I followed that with Raiders of the Lost Ark, I had had two very successful games, both million sellers.
我设计的作品包括《亚尔的复仇》,接下来是《夺宝奇兵》,这两款游戏都非常成功,销量都在百万台以上 。
I truly believed everything I touched, hopefully, was gonna turn to gold because I was gonna put everything I had into it.
我坚信,我做的任何游戏都可能变成宝贝,因为我会倾尽全力去做好它 。
One fateful day, Howard received a call from the CEO of Atari,
asking him if he wanted to take on their highest profile game ever, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial.
And I said, "We definitely can do that."
然后我说,“当然能做了 。”
But, there was one major caveat.
然而,有一个很关键的问题 。
It had to be something that related to the movie, and it had to be doable in five weeks.
游戏必须跟电影有关,而且必须在五周内完成 。
I mean, I had five weeks to do the game, so I was working all the time.
我只有五周的时间来做这款游戏啊,我没日没夜地赶工 。
E.T. was gonna be a basic puzzle game, with some challenges that you run around to solve
E.T.基本上是一个益智游戏,玩家需要不断前进不断闯关 。
and if I redistribute the pieces among enough different, random places, it makes a fresh challenge each time around, and bingo.
而且如果我把所有的关卡打乱重新随机排列,这个游戏就能变成一个全新的挑战,没错 。
When it was released, E.T. was an immediate success, selling over a million copies.
《E.T.》一发售就火了,成交量达上百万份 。
But a few months later, things started to turn.
然而,几个月后,情况开始不妙 。
Retailers are starting to find that the game is not moving, it's coming back, a lot of people are disappointed with it.
零售商开始发现这款游戏不仅没有前进还在倒退,很多人对此都非常不满 。
Because of the poor planning and tight production schedule, Howard failed to catch a fundamental flaw in the game's design.
因为设计粗糙,加上时间比较仓促,Howard在设计时忽视了一个很大的漏洞 。
There are too many times where you make a move, you do something,
and suddenly you wind up somewhere else, now suddenly you're somewhere else, and there's too many places in E.T. where the user is disoriented,
却被卡在了某个地方,然后一下子又到了别的地方,而且,这个游戏里有太多用户分不清方向的地方了 。
and that's a sin of which I am guilty, and I have been serving penance.
这是我的错,我一直都在忏悔 。
Shortly after E.T.'s release, the video game crash was in full swing.
《E.T.》发售不久,电子游戏行业的灾难已经无可避免 。
Disappointing sales and mismanagement forced Atari to restructure.
可怜的业绩加上管理不善,雅达利不得不开始重组公司 。
And in the next couple of months, Atari went from 10,000 employees to 2,000 employees.
接下来的几个月里,雅达利的员工数目从一万人锐减到了两千人 。
During the turmoil, Howard left the gaming industry for good.
在这次动荡中,Howard永远地离开了游戏行业 。
He didn't think much about E.T. until nearly a decade later.
之后的将近十年里他都再也没有想过E.T.这个游戏 。
Well, by the early 90s, people started coming out with what a bad game E.T. was.
到了90年代早期,人们开始抱怨《E.T.》这款游戏多么多么糟糕 。
I was just kinda surprised anybody was actually even talking about it.
那么多年过去了大家还在讨论这个游戏,我感到非常吃惊 。
Good afternoon, some of those E.T. Atari games unearthed at a New Mexico landfill are now up for sale.
观众朋友们下午好 。有人在新墨西哥的垃圾堆里挖除了雅达利《E.T.》的游戏卡带,正准备出售 。
Beaten up cartridges on eBay are going for hundreds of dollars a piece.
eBay上有人卖旧卡带,价格高达数百美元 。
So we had a poll online-- - Yeah.
我们在网上做了一个调查——是嘛 。
Where fans could choose what game they wanted to see you play.Okay.
让粉丝们选出他们希望你玩的游戏 。好吧 。
They chose this. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.
他们选了这个 。《E.T. 外星人》
Even 30 years later, this obscure thing that I did so long ago in just five weeks,
it's still generating excitement, enthusiasm. I get emotional just talking about it now.
还是能让我兴奋起来,我现在说到这个情绪还是会很激动 。
Because I just felt I was at the center of something that is still meaningful.
因为我觉得我是这款游戏的核心人物,而这个东西至今还有价值 。
And that is a huge success.
这已经是巨大的成功了 。
So when people ask me, you know, "Was E.T. a failure?"
I don't mind when people call it that, but it'll never, it'll never be a failure to me.
我并不会介意大家这么说,但我从来从来不觉得它失败 。