As you probably heard, I'm raising money to build my own campus at Dian Fossey's organization in Rwanda to help save the mountain gorillas.
大家可能知道 我正在筹钱建造我自己的卢旺达黛安·福西组织的园区 拯救山地大猩猩
I'm very excited about it, and recently, we started selling T-shirts and stuffed animals to help raise money,
我很激动 最近 我们开始卖T恤和填充动物玩具来筹款
and we instantly sold out of everything.
We sold out of these adorable little gorillas.
The good news is we're going to have more of everything in stock, starting tomorrow, and we only have 50 of these left here in the Ellen shop.
好消息是我们会储备更多货物 从明天开始 现在艾伦店里只剩下50个了
All the proceeds will go to the Ellen DeGeneres Wildlife Fund to help build my campus and save the mountain gorillas,
所有收入都将归到艾伦·德杰尼勒斯野生动物基金会里 去建造我的园区 拯救大猩猩
and I've been getting so many tweets and letters from people donating to my Wildlife Fund, I want to take a minute to shout out to some kids.
我收到了很多推文和信件 给我的野生动物基金会捐款 我想花点时间说一下一些孩子
This is the cutest thing. They made me so happy.
这是最可爱的 他们让我很开心
This is Mrs. Chico's third grade class.
They're at Mountain Vista Elementary School in Indio, California.
They sent me $100 for the Ellen DeGeneres Wildlife Fund.
他们给我寄了100美元 捐给艾伦·德杰尼勒斯野生动物基金会
Thank you, kids. That is so sweet that they did that.
谢谢你们 孩子们 他们真是太贴心了
You can follow the progress of my campus on my brand new Instagram account.
It's called the EDWildlifeFund, and I promise I won't post any pictures of my food.
叫EDWildlifeFund 我保证不发吃的照片
Just interesting things about the gorillas.
And if you want to donate to help protect these amazing gorillas, please go to our website, and maybe I'll even give you a shout out.
如果你也想捐款保护这些美丽的大猩猩 请去我们的网站 或许我也会点名感谢你哦
Thank you so much.