My grandmother, if she knew now what I was making, would be very surprised.
要是我奶奶知道我现在在做这个,她肯定会大吃一惊 。
Mochi is originally from Japan.
麻糬原本来自日本 。
It's a white pastry that's made from rice flour. It's stuffed with azuki beans. That's the traditional mochi.
这是一种用面粉制成的白色点心 。传统的麻糬是红豆馅儿的 。
Our mochi has become Hawaiian mochi. My own style.
我们家的麻糬是夏威夷风味的麻糬,是按照我自己的方法制作的 。
We live in Hawaii and, if you look around, we have deserts and snow,
we have tropical rainforests and all the flowers, the birds and the oceans— it's all very colorful.
也有热带雨林,还有各种花,各种鸟,还有大海,这是一个色彩斑斓的世界 。
This is Hilo Town. I would consider it to be old Hawaii. Everything is a little bit slower.
这里是希罗镇,在我眼里算是老夏威夷了 。这里的生活节奏都很慢 。
Hilo is where I grew up and where my grandparents settled when they first came from Japan.
希罗镇是我长大的地方,也是我祖父母当初从日本过来时落脚的地方 。
They came as workers for the plantation in the cane fields.
他们是来这里的甘蔗农场打工的 。
They were seeking a better life, and so did the other groups of people that came from all over the world.
来这里追求更好的生活,这也是来自世界各地的人聚集在这里的原因 。
Filipinos, Chinese, Koreans, they all had to live together, and they all shared their food.
菲律宾人、中国人、朝鲜人、大家生活在一起,也带来了各自家乡的美食 。
The Japanese contribution was the mochi.
日本人带来的就是麻糬 。
Every time I taste it, I think back to where I came from, and I think of my grandma.
每次吃麻糬,我都能回想起我的故乡,都会想到我的祖母 。
She, as a treat, would make her mochi.
祖母会做麻糬招待我们 。
Her mochi was the reason that I had interest to keep mochi on the menu of Hawaii.
正是因为她做的麻糬,我才有了让麻糬登上夏威夷美食清单的兴趣 。
Two Ladies Kitchen is called Two Ladies because we started with just my aunt and myself.
“两个女人的厨房”之所以叫这个名字,是因为刚开业的时候真的就只有我和我姑姑 。
I knew that my aunt knew how to make mochi but there was nobody else to pass it on to.
我知道我姑姑会做麻糬,但没有人来接她的班儿 。
And I knew that mochi is my calling.
所以,我觉得做麻糬是我的使命 。
When I first started the business, it was just my family who helped me.
刚创业的时候,我只有家人支持我 。
My parents are now in their 90s, and they still come to the mochi shop.
我父母现在已经是90多岁高龄了,但他们还是会来我的麻糬店 。
A lot of our flavors are found in Hawaii.
我们很多款麻糬都是做的夏威夷风味 。
We have a strawberry mochi, with a fresh strawberry on top of the beans and it's wrapped in the white mochi.
我们有草莓麻糬,在豆子上放上新鲜草莓,然后裹上白色的麻糬 。
That is very popular.
这一款卖得非常好 。
Liliko'i is passion fruit, so I use the fresh nectar and we make mochi.
Liliko'i,也就是百香果,我会把新鲜的百香果汁也做成麻糬 。
We use the fruits of the season, persimmons, peaches and nectarines, pineapple, on and on.
我们用的都是当季的水果,柿子、水密桃、油桃、菠萝等等等等 。
Now I have a ginger mochi, brownie mochi, a marshmallow, like a rocky road.
现在我还做姜麻糬、巧克力蛋糕麻糬、棉花糖麻糬、坚果麻糬等等 。
I never say no to someone's suggestion.
我从来不会拒绝顾客的提议 。
It's been almost 25 years, and now, we have lines out the door.
我们家的麻糬点开了快25年了,现在大家来买都要排队了 。
It's not only the Japanese people who embrace mochi, but it's become a Hawaiian food.
不仅日本人喜欢麻糬,麻糬如今也成了一种夏威夷美食 。
I meet people from all over the world, and they, too, now love mochi.
我认识来自世界各地的朋友,他们现在也都很喜欢麻糬 。
It sticks everyone together, other races, culture, our family, friends.
麻糬能够将大家——无论你来自什么种族,什么文化——凝聚在一起,还有我们的家人,朋友 。
Mochi just makes you feel happy, and that's why I say, “Mochi is love.”
麻糬能给大家带来快乐,所以我说,“麻糬就是爱” 。