?When you think of Japanese cuisine, a few foods come to mind.
提到日料,大家脑海中就会浮现出各种日式美食 。
Sushi, did you know that salmon sushi is actually Norwegian? Yeah, we did a story on that one.
你想到了寿司?那你知道三文鱼寿司其实来自挪威吗?当然,我们还做过一期相关的视频呢 。
Maybe you think of mochi? We did that one, too.
或许你想到的是抹茶?抹茶的视频我们也做过了 。
And tempura, but, guess what? Tempura is actually a Portuguese dish.
那天妇罗呢?不过,你猜怎么着?天妇罗其实是一种葡萄牙美食 。
Oh, boy, here we go.
啊,我的乖乖,又来了 。
The Japanese tempura you know is done two ways: either with seafood or with vegetables.
大家印象中的日本天妇罗一般有两种做法:要么搭配海鲜,要么搭配蔬菜 。
Right, and the batter is light, made with cold water, wheat flour and egg. Pretty standard.
没错,少油,外加冰水、小麦粉和鸡蛋烹制而成,这是标准的做法 。
This tempura can be found dating back to the end of the 16th century in Japan.
这种天妇罗的做法可以追溯到十六世纪末的日本 。
But as we know, Japan is much older than that. So, why did it suddenly show up? The answer is: Portugal!
然而我们知道,日本的历史要久远得多,为何天妇罗突然就出现在日本了呢?原因是:葡萄牙 。
Around 1543, a Chinese ship with three Portuguese sailors got off course and landed in Japan on Tanegashima island.
在1543年左右,一艘载着三名葡萄牙水手的中国船只偏离了航道,停靠在了日本的种子岛 。
Fast forward a bit, and the Portuguese, because of this happy accident, are now trading goods, and arms, with the Japanese.
我们稍微快进一下,葡萄牙人,因为这场幸福的意外,由此开始和日本人进行商品和武器贸易 。
Then, in 1639, the Portuguese were kicked out of the country.
到了1639年,葡萄牙人被逐出日本 。
A few things, however, remained, including a dish of battered and fried beans called Peixinhos da Horta.
然而,雁过留痕,一道叫作Peixinhos da Horta的油炸青豆就在日本扎了根 。
That's Manuela Brandao, chef at Pap'Acorda, one of the best spots in Lisbon to get Peixinhos da Horta.
这位是Manuela Brandao,是Pap'Acorda餐厅厨师,这家餐厅是全里斯本做Peixinhos da Horta做得做好的地方 。
Now, of course, over the past 400 years, Japan has put its own spin on the dish,
but, you know, it's a fun fact next time somebody in your group orders tempura.
但是,下次大家和朋友一起出去吃饭有人点天妇罗时,这个事实也不失为一个有趣的谈资噢 。