People have told me I have saved their life.
有人跟我说我救了他们的命 。
I became a ASMR artist on YouTube. Because I deal with my own pain each day.
之所以成为YouTube上的一名ASMR博主,是因为我每天都在和痛苦抗争 。
ASMR has truly helped me focus on living instead of dying.
是ASMR帮我不再总想着死亡,而是专注地活在当下 。
Close your eyes.
闭上眼睛 。
An ASMR artist is someone who focus mainly on visual triggers and sounds to bring you some type of relaxation.
ASMR艺人就是一个主要通过视觉或听觉刺激来让观众放松的艺人 。
Some of the misconceptions that people have with ASMR is thinking that it's creepy, it's cringey, it's weird,
大家对 ASMR 有很多误解,有人觉得 ASMR 很渗人,很奇怪,
and I believe the reason why some people believe that ASMR is so weird is because I'm constantly whispering.
我觉得,大家之所以会这么认为是因为我一直都在跟大家说悄悄话 。
I'm going to take a sip of my hot coffee for a second.
我喝点儿咖啡,麻烦大家稍等 。
But when ASMR artists' whisper, it's to bring you to that safe place. It's to make you feel calm.
但 ASMR 艺人跟大家说悄悄话,是为了把大家带到一个安全的港湾让大家平静下来 。
Tell yourself, “You're going to be okay.”
告诉自己,“会好起来的 。”
I find my sounds in any and everything that I do.
无论做什么,我都能从中找到自己的声音 。
If I'm opening up a pack of gum, if I'm brushing my hair, people love crunch sounds like the pickle video.
比如打开一包口香糖或是梳理头发 。大家喜欢听我吃腌黄瓜的视频里那种清脆的声音 。
If I'm opening up a pack of gum, if I'm brushing my hair, people love crunch sounds like the pickle video.
比如打开一包口香糖或是梳理头发 。大家喜欢听我吃腌黄瓜的视频里那种清脆的声音 。
I'll snack. I don't know what happens.Why does eating a pickle causes a person's brain to shut down, but it will.
吃点儿小零食 。不知道为什么吃腌黄瓜能让大脑放松下来,但这是事实 。
I have a degenerated bone disease. I can't stop it, there's no cure.
我患有退行性骨疾病,病情一直在恶化,而且无药可治 。
Before I discovered ASMR, I could not move. I didn't have the strength to make myself stand up.
在认识ASMR之前,我动都动不了,让自己站起来的力气都没有 。
So, when I discovered ASMR, I felt extremely relaxed.
后来认识了ASMR以后,我会感到无比的放松 。
I feel like I was actually smiling just laying there.
我能感觉到躺在那里我都会笑 。
I felt really, really good mentally. More so than being on medication.
精神状态好了很多很多,比做治疗感觉还好 。
And I said, “Okay, I'm going to create a channel,
and I'm going to create ASMR videos because there's a lot of people who are dealing with stress, insomnia, anxiety;
who just need some comfort to get them through the night.”
他们需要抚慰来帮助他们度过漫漫长夜 。”
I receive email from people who are bed ridden and let me know how much I have helped them.
我收到过卧床不起的人写给我的信,告诉我我的视频对他们帮助很大 。
I always told my children one person could change the world.
我经常对我的孩子说一个人也能改变世界 。
And to actually be a part of maybe some type of change in some type of way, is amazing.
能够以某种方式成为改变世界的一份子是一件很了不起的事 。