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Four hundred thousand civilians are still trapped in the besieged Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta.
依然有40万平民受困于大马士革郊区被包围的东古塔区 。
Russia's promised five-hour daily humanitarian pause failed on the first day.
俄罗斯承诺的每日五小时人道主义暂停攻击在第一天就未能遵守 。
The UN says it hasn't been able to deliver any aid to the rebel-held area and airstrikes have continued.
联合国称其无法向反叛者控制的地区输送任何援助,空袭仍在继续 。
Both sides in the Syrian civil war have blamed each other.
叙利亚内战的双方互相指责 。
President Trump's son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner has had his White House security clearance downgraded.
特朗普总统的女婿兼高级顾问贾德·库斯纳的白宫安全调查已被降级 。
He won't have access anymore to many sensitive documents.
他无法再接触很多敏感文件 。
His spokesman has said it won't affect the very important work he's been assigned by the president.
其发言人表示这不会影响总统派给他的首要工作 。
The storm nicknamed the beast from the east to sweat much of Europe with record snowfalls and temperatures as low as minus 20 Celsius.
来自东部的风暴带来了史上最强降雪和-20摄氏度的低温,让欧洲大片地区如坐针毡 。
It's brought many cities to a standstill.
这场风暴导致很多城市停业整顿 。
At least seven people are reported dead five in Poland, two in Romania.
据报道,至少有七人死亡,其中波兰有五人,罗马尼亚有两人 。