日期:2018-03-05 06:25



Well, I'm not hugely optimistic at this particular moment about the fate of the world, so I can't lie about that.
现在这个特殊时期 我对世界的命运并不怎么乐观 所以我不打算在这一点上撒谎
What I can say is that when I was in an intense state of grief and I had lost my son and my spouse and my house within a two month period,
我想说的是 我在两个月之内接连失去了儿子 丈夫和房子 并处于极度的悲伤之中
after the initial period of being like “I am F’d,” like, “This is not going to be okay. I'm going down,”
我最初的状态是“我被诅咒了 一辈子都完了 我要就此沉沦了”
eventually finding little nibs, little molecules in the air of hope about like a little thing,
过了那个阶段之后 我终于找到了一些小东西 空气中小小的希望分子 就像一种很小的东西
just like seeing a friend I really loved and remembering all the good times we'd had had like over 30 years or whatever,
比如见到一位我很爱的朋友 想起30年来我们共有的美好时光等等




and then having like a little spot of hope like “maybe we'll have a good time again at some point.”
我发现了一丝丝希望之光 会想“或许我们以后还会很幸福的”
Maybe some other wonderful thing.
Just anywhere you can find a little second of hope and feel grateful for it and sort of dig into it, that's the way through the tunnel of grief.
在任何你能感到瞬间希望的事情和值得感激的事情 紧紧抓住它努力探索 这便是克服悲伤的良药
I mean that's what I've heard from a lot of people who I've been in communication with since this book came out
自从这本书出版以来 我听到过很多人都这么说
and people then write to me about their experiences and come and tell me: that's how you live through,
人们写信告诉我他们的经历 或者来告诉我:你就是这样度过的
is like you just find some hope and it's like a little tiny fire and you blow on it until you've got yourself like a little hope “fire” going and then you can get through.
就像你找到了一丝希望 像个小火苗一样 你努力吹着它 呵护着你的希望之“火” 慢慢就能挺过来了
I think that when you lose a person or a marriage or suffer a trauma—but the main thing I'm thinking about is loss, when you lose someone—
当你失去生命中很重要的人 或者丢掉了婚姻 遭受创伤时 我主要在想的事情就是失去 当你失去一个人
I mean first of all, that's life, that's the price we pay to keep being here as living people, that's the human condition: you lose the people you love.
你得明白 首先 这就是生活 这就是生而为人必须要付出的代价 那就是作为人类的条件:你会失去你爱的人
And trying to sort of plow through that and look for the good in it?
I don't think that works.
I think the way through pain is suffering, is like leaning into the suffering and being like “I’m going to actually go ahead and suffer my guts out.”
我觉得度过痛苦的方法就是遭受痛苦 就像深入了解痛苦 然后说“我要尽情让自己难过到想死”
But throughout the process, moments of hope, if you're open to them, they come, and that's the way to keep going—
但通过这个过程 如果你敞开心扉 总会有片刻的希望会出现 支撑着你前行
is to find like where are there bits of hope and how can you be grateful for them and like feed them so that you can find some excitement about staying alive?
要找到希望所在之处以及你对它们的感激之情 并不断喂大它们 这样才能发现活着的有趣之处

  • intenseadj. 强烈的,剧烈的,热烈的
  • optimisticadj. 乐观的,乐观主义的
  • gratefuladj. 感激的,感谢的
  • griefn. 悲痛,忧伤
  • tunneln. 隧道,地道 v. 挖隧道,挖地道
  • plown. 犁,耕地 vt. 耕犁, vi. 用犁,费力前进,
  • spousen. 配偶
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目
  • trauman. 精神创伤,外伤
  • communicationn. 沟通,交流,通讯,传达,通信