日期:2018-01-26 13:51



Thanks for being here. It's raining outside, that's why you're happy.
感谢大家来到这里 外面在下雨 所以你们就偷着乐吧
Hey hashtag I love that you're here, and hashtag I love being here myself,
嘿 #我很喜欢有大家在这里 #我喜欢独处
and I can feel the hashtag love that you bring into this room.
Wouldn't it be annoying if we hashtag everything that we said?
The reason I'm hash-tagging is because they just announced the most popular Instagram hashtag in 2017.




It was hashtag love. And I love that love was the number one hashtag because there were a lot of bad hashtags,
是#爱 我很高兴“爱”是排名第一的标签 因为还有很多其他劣质的标签
like hashtag winning, which is it's really you use that if you're trying to prove to people you're cool.
比如说“胜利” 如果你想在大家面前装酷的话就会用这个标签
It's like trying to prove to people you're not crazy by calling yourself a stable genius.
It's that bad. For years I have been saying love is love and I still believe that.
就是这么烂 很多年来 我一直说爱就是爱 现在我依然相信这一点
It turns out everyone's idea of love is a little different.
I searched hashtag love and I found some interesting things.
我搜索了#爱 找到了一些很有趣的东西
And some make sense, like this first one right here.
有些还说的通 比如说这个
This is a dog wearing a cat. You've got a cat hat, it's a dog, it's kitten, kitten's on the dog.
这只汪戴了个帽子 它有一个喵喵帽 这是只汪 那是只喵 喵喵骑在汪头上
That's love, case closed. Now obviously animals deserved hashtag love.
那就是爱 鉴定完毕 很明显 动物们配得上“爱”这个标签
Some people might say a hot guy deserves hashtag love.
You don't need to put them together. Look at this.
但你不需要把两者结合在一起 看这个
There's a guy with a little Guinea pig on him. I don't think you need that.
这个人肩上放了只荷兰猪 你根本不需要这样啊
He's getting enough attention. He doesn't need to walk around with a Guinea pig.
他已经够引人瞩目了 不需要再背着只荷兰猪到处晃
I think one of the best examples of love are couples.
You see a lot of cute couples, and here's an old couple having a pillow fight.
有很多夫妻 这对夫妻在玩枕头大战
I say they are a couple, they may have just met on Tinder. I don't know.
我说他们是夫妻 但他们可能是才在Tinder(交友软件)上面认识的 谁知道呢
I search hashtag love and hashtag Ellen and I found this.
我搜了“爱”和“艾伦” 发现了这个
It's completely made of food and I love it unless it is supposed to be me.
全是食物做的 要不是做的我 我肯定爱死它了
I went through my own Instagram account and I realized I don't have enough hashtag love pictures and I want to fix that right now.
我回顾了自己的Instagram 发现我发的关于#爱的内容并不多 我要弥补这一点
So what I'm going to do is I am going to take a selfie with all of us.
There and we're going to send that out, and everybody's going to send that out and it's love.
然后把它发出去 大家也要发出去哦 这就是爱
So I am happy to turn that off now.
I'm happy to hear love was so popular on Instagram last year.
This year I encourage all of you to share love everywhere in the world, not just on Instagram, and not just with family and friends, but with strangers.
今年 希望大家把爱散播到世界的每个角落 不光光是在Instagram上 也不光光是在家人和朋友之间 还要包括陌生人
And not just people that are strangers that you agree with.
I want you to with people that are obviously wrong as well.
