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您正在收看BBC世界新闻头条 。
Prosecutors have been detailing allegations of abuse by the parents of 13 children rescued by police from their home in California.
检察官正在细化父母虐待13名儿童的指控,此前,警方将他们从加利福尼亚的家中救出 。
David and Louise Turpin have pleaded not guilty to torture, child abuse and false imprisonment.
大卫和路易丝·特平否认有折磨、虐待儿童和非法监禁行为 。
A fierce storm that wreaked havoc across parts of Western Europe on Thursday has now crossed to Poland.
周四席卷了西欧部分地区的强烈风暴现已横扫波兰 。
Winds from storm Friederike reached up to more than 200 kilometres an hour.
风暴弗德里克的时速超过200千米 。
At least eight people are thought to have been killed.
至少有八人已经遇难 。
Scientists in the US are close to a major breakthrough in detecting cancer
after trials for a new universal blood test managed to fight eight common forms of the disease.
此前,新型通用验血实验击败了八种常见癌症 。
Overall, the tests found 70 percent of the cancers.
实验整体上发现了70%的癌症 。
Researchers say more work is needed to verify its accuracy.
研究人员称还需进一步确认其准确性 。
And New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that she's pregnant.
新西兰总理杰辛达·阿德恩宣布其已怀孕 。
She and her partner Clarke Gayford are expecting their child in the summer, making her one of very few heads of government to give birth in office.
她和伴侣克拉克·盖福德预计在夏季迎来新生儿,这将让她成为罕见的在执政期间诞子的政府首脑 。