日期:2018-01-18 06:38



Two of my favorite people in the world. Really. You both are.
这世上我最喜欢的两个人 真的 你俩我都爱
Well, one of ours. Thank you so much. Well, what do you feel?
你也是我们最爱的人 谢谢 你感觉怎么样?
Today I feel like I'm lucky I've been invited to the couch. Aw. Aw. No.
今天我觉得很幸运能被邀请来这个节目 坐坐这把椅子 嗷 嗷 不是吧
Well, in a good way. I mean, you know, it's all right. It's OK. All right.
是好的意思 挺好的 很好 好
Well, we still love you. I'm in love with you. All right. Both of yous. Both of you.
嗯 我们依然爱你 我爱你 你俩都爱 你俩
Hey, I like your shirt. Oh, thank you very much. Time's up. That's right. Time's up.
嘿 我喜欢你的衬衫 哦 谢谢 Time's up(时间到了) 对 Time's up
They put something over here. Are you looking for this? Yes!
他们把东西放这儿了 你是要找这个吗?对!
What is it? It's one for you. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, fantastic.
是什么 给你准备的衣服 哦 真的吗 对 哦 太棒了




But yours is happier than mine. Thank you. They're both happy.
不过你的比我的更轻快 谢谢 都很轻快
You have one too. That's fantastic. Did you make-- have these made? No.
你也有一件 太棒了 是你做的 是你让人做的吗?不是
I didn't knit them. A gal, Lingua Franca, Saying did them up last night for all of us.
不是我织的 一个姑娘 昨晚上给我们大家织的
Thank you. Yeah. You're welcome. Hey, how come you all hadn't worked together before?
谢谢 嗯 不客气 嘿 你们怎么可能以前没合作过呢?
I think everyone is so surprised to hear that this is the first time working together on the movie, "The Post,"
but you had met before obviously. Sort of.
不过你们以前肯定见过 差不多吧
We sort of had. But it wasn't really memorable. Well, the first--
算是见过 不过并不刻骨铭心 额 第一次
No. Here's the thing. When you know somebody famous, and you think you--
不是 是这样的 你听说过一个很出名的人 你觉得
We know each other because we're famous and we've been on TV.
我们互相认识是因为我们都很出名 一起上过电视
And I've seen you in movies, and I think maybe I did meet you.
我在电影里经常看到你 所以我觉得或许我们确实见过
It was at the Shakespeare in the Park. And you were already seated.
是在公园里的莎士比亚(公共剧场,一年一度的明星大荟萃)上 你都已经坐好了
And Rita and I were walking to our seats.
And I said something like-- we'd never really met-- I said, hey, Meryl! Meryl!
我说了一些 我们从来没有真正见过面 我说 嘿 梅丽尔 梅丽尔
Hey, Meryl! And you said, Tom! Yeah. And that was it. Yeah.
嘿 梅丽尔 你说 汤姆 对 就这样 对
You both sound very Italian all of a sudden.
Meryl o'Meryl. Tom. Tom.
梅丽尔 梅丽尔 汤姆 汤姆
So when you first started working together did you have surprises to learn personality traits?
那你们第一次合作的时候 有没有发现什么惊喜的性格特点呢
I had the days marked on the calendar of when I would show up to work and be in a scene with her at the same time.
I was really glad to work with you because you're so funny.
能跟你一起工作真的超开心 你为你很有趣
And we're in a serious movie.
And I knew that that injection of wit and style, and kind of getting the joke.
我了解了那种智慧和风格 能听懂笑话
Every real story, even the hardest ones, have something funny in them. Yes. There is.
每一个真实的故事 即便是最痛苦的那种 都有很有趣的一面 对 这就是
And you brought that. You know who's really funny is her trumpeteers,
你能带来这种感觉 真正有趣的是小号吹手
the guys that enter the room before she does and blow the trumpets.
在她之前进门的那些人 吹着小号
She has the copyrighted fanfare for Meryl that is a number of notes.
她有专为梅丽尔设计的有版权的开场小号 有一系列的音符
Do you know it, by any chance, the fanfare for Meryl.
你知道吗 说不定 梅丽尔的开场小号
We'll try to get it. It goes something like
我们会试着找一下 是这样
She has the little drapes that say MS on it.
The guys at epaulets and what have you. He's trying to break my-- Eh.
在那些人们的肩章上 他又想试图
Everybody. This is what we would do.
大家 我们会这样
A couple of times like when we were in the newsroom scene-- now we work in the morning.
有几次 我们在新闻编辑室 上午正在上班
We knew that she was coming in. We were all like dogs in the back yard.
我们知道她马上就来 我们都像后院里的狗一样
We're all just,
We're like dogs hearing the postman, because all of a sudden a word would come out
就像狗听到了邮差的声音 因为突然之间 会有人说
or someone would see that Kay Graham has entered into the newsroom.
And we would all just straighten up. Yeah.
我们突然间就精神抖擞了 对
Because it's a movie about a room-- Newsrooms used to be all male. Yes.
因为这部电影是关于 新闻编辑室一般都是男性工作人员 对
So when you heard that click, click, click coming down the hall-- Formidable.
所以当你听到走廊里嗒 嗒 嗒的声音的时候 感觉很可怕
And if that was the boss-- That was. That was you.
如果那就是老板 就是 就是你
Everybody would straighten up and fly right. Hey, can I ask a question?
所有人立马就倍儿精神了 嘿 我能问个问题吗
There was a moment in the Golden Globes the other night where you went to the bar to get a tray of martinis, which, by the way, is very impressive.
前几天在金球奖颁奖典礼上 你去吧台那儿拿了一托盘的马丁尼酒 印象非常深刻
If you ever waited tables, which I have, carrying one martini, much less a tray of martinis, very tricky.
如果你为别人服务过 我就干过 拿着一杯马丁尼酒很要技巧 更别说是一托盘了
They need to redesign that glass. Oh, there I am. Yes.
人们真的应该重新设计酒杯 哦 那就是我 对
It should go in. It should completely curl in to protect it.
杯口应该内含 应该合进去防止酒洒出来
Anyway, how-- why did you get that job? I was at a table.
总之 你为什么会去做那件事呢?我坐在一张桌子上
She's on antibiotics because she's getting over the flu.
So she couldn't have one. But I was at a table where somebody who I love very much--
所以她不能喝酒 不过我坐的那张桌子上的人我都超爱
He brought four of them. And he brought them under my nose.
他拿了四杯 就从我眼皮子底下拿过去
I was told to go get martinis. And so what I did was, coming down through it-- oh, there I am.
别人让我去拿马丁尼 所以我就一路走过来 哦 我在那儿
Yeah. That's one of the people who asked for a martini, as a matter of fact. Yeah.
对 其实 他也要了马丁尼 嗯
Steven Spielberg. Yeah. But it was like I was one of those truckers on mountain roads with a load full of nitroglycerin.
斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格 对 我就像是载着一满车硝酸甘油穿行在蜿蜒山路上的卡车司机
I have never been more nervous carrying something through a rowdy place.
我从来没那么紧张过 拿着酒穿行在嘈杂的人群中
Delivering it to Steven Spielberg, sure. That's right.
给斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格上酒 那是肯定的 对
And you were in the room obviously when Oprah, our future president-- Thank you.
你当时就在那儿 我们的未来总统——欧普拉 谢谢
Is-- was-- And that's with the vice president. Yeah.
这位是副总统 对
Yeah. I mean, what a speech, huh? What a speech. A barn-burner. Yeah.
没错 多么棒的演讲啊 太精彩了 轰动全国 对
Did you hear what Stedman said? No. So Stedman was asked.
你听到斯特曼是怎么说的了吗?没有 有人问斯特曼这个事情
And Stedman said it really is up to the people. She would absolutely do it.
斯特曼说这真的取决于人民 她一定会做的
That was from Stedman. So I don't think he would say that without permission.
这可是斯特曼说的 如果未经允许 他肯定不敢说这样的话
Wow. All right. Where do I send the check? Yeah. I know.
哇哦 好 快告诉我寄支票的地址 对啊 就是
While she was speaking out on the patio of the Hilton hotel, the pool, the water separated in the pool.
她在希尔顿酒店的露台上讲话的时候 游泳池 游泳池里的水都自动分成了两半
And some of the staff were walking down along the tile from the deep end, and up and getting out.
一些员工走进游泳池里 从深的一端下去再上来 然后走出来
And it stayed there for a while, and then it mooched back in. Well, that's what she does.
水停滞了一会儿 然后又合到一起了 她就有这种超能力
But she did part the waters there. It was very, very impressive.
不过她确实把水给分开了 非常惊艳
That's Oprah. But you realize how we thirst for that.
那就是欧普拉 你知道我们有多渴望出现这样的人
We really want that kind of elevated, aspirational, can do, optimistic attachment to the principles of our country.
Caring of people, and paying attention to who's watching.
关心人们 关注在看着的人们
These young girls that are watching and actually knowing that words have power.
那些年轻女孩们都在看着 她们会明白语言的力量
