日期:2017-11-12 05:25



And I'm so excited. I came out here, and right before I walked out, my staff gave me some really good news.
我好激动 上台前员工告诉了我一个好消息
Because if I ever get bad news, then I fire them. So look at this headline they showed me.
因为我要是收到坏消息 我就炒了他们 看他们给我看的这个标题
Ellen DeGeneres becomes first talk show host to hit 10 billion YouTube views.
What? Wow. I mean, at first I was like, I've watched 10 billion views? Videos?
神马?哇哦 一开始我以为 我已经看了100亿次视频了?
I mean, I knew I like cat videos, but I had no idea--
没错 我确实喜欢猫的视频 但我没想到




--my problem was that severe. But no.
我对猫成瘾 病入膏肓啊 但并不是
My producer said, no, your YouTube videos have been viewed over 10 billion times.
我的制片人说 不是 你的YouTube视频被别人看了100亿次了
And I was like, that is amazing. Where's my money? 10 billion is a lot of views.
我当时惊呆了 我挣的钱呢?100亿是很大的点击量啊
To put that in perspective, that's like if "Gangnam Style" had a baby with "Despacito." Like--
那就相当于 “江南Style”跟“Despacito”生了个孩子(YouTube上超火爆的两首单曲MV,点击量排名一二)
So where's my money? Really. We post a lot of really cool videos. And I wanted to see--
那我挣的钱嘞?真的 我们发了很多很酷的视频 我想看看
but by the way, if you want to see them, and if you want to be the first, you've got to subscribe to my YouTube channel. OK?
顺便说一声 如果你也想看 而且想成为第一个看的 那你就得订阅我的YouTube频道 好吧
And I was curious which of the videos had the most views, so I did some research.
我很好奇哪些视频的点击量最高 所以我研究了一下
And it turns out our most watched video of all time has over 123 million views.
And it's this one. You two are just so magnificent. Thank you! I just love you so much.
就是这个 你们两个真的是太棒啦 谢谢!我太爱你们了
And you said that you love Nicki Minaj, right? Yeah. Do you want to meet her? Yeah! Come on out, Nicki.
你们说喜欢妮琪·米娜对吧 对 你们想见到她吗? 想!出来吧 妮琪
Yep. That's when Sophia Grace and Rosie met Nicki Minaj. And it's not surprising.
没错 那就是索菲亚·格蕾丝和罗西见到妮琪·米娜的时候 这并不奇怪
That video has everything it needs to go viral-- cute kids, huge pop star, and tutus.
这个视频具备火的所有元素——可爱的孩子 巨星 还有芭蕾小短裙
I've noticed a pattern. A lot of our most-watched videos involve surprises.
我注意到了一种规律 很多点击量最多的视频都包含有惊喜
We've got 25 million views simply by pretending to surprise Kristen Bell with a sloth.
Your favorite animal is? A sloth. Tell me why--
你最喜欢的动物是?树懒 为什么
--it is the sloth. It certainly is. Well, because they're just so-- they're just--
是树懒呢 肯定的 它们真的太 太
--because they're perfect. The thing about sloths that kills me is they're-- it's just like, they're not cuddly.
因为它们简直是完美 我超喜欢树懒的一点是 它们不会让你想去抱它
Yeah. It's such a trick!
没错 这个特技真妙!
Because you want to snuggle them. Except for the one that I got for you today.
因为你想依偎着它们 除了我今天给你准备的这只以外
Let's bring out the cutest sloth. No you didn't No. I just-- Oh my god. Oh my god.
有请最最可爱的树懒出场 不是吧 你没有 天啊 天哪
My heart is beating so fast! I know! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!
我心跳好快!我知道 不好意思 不好意思啦
All right. All right. Oh my gosh. OK.
好 好 天啊 好
We're going to take a break. Oh, why would you do that? I know.
我们休息一下 哦 你为什么要这样?我懂
Imagine if we really had a sloth. That would have broken the internet.
想象一下如果我们真的准备了一只树懒 那网络估计要炸锅了
