An American service member has died in combat in Eastern Afghanistan.
一名美军士兵在阿富汗东部阵亡 。
Pentagon officials said the fighting took place yesterday in Nangarhar Province, near the Pakistani border. Four other soldiers were wounded.
五角大楼官员表示称,昨晚邻近巴基斯坦边境的楠格哈尔省发生交火,另有四名士兵受伤 。
The U.S. military formally ended its combat mission in Afghanistan in 2014.
2014年,美军已正式结束阿富汗战争 。
But it still takes part in operations against the Taliban and the Islamic State, alongside Afghan forces.
但美军仍与阿军一道打击塔利班组织和“伊斯兰国” 。
In Peru, at least 36 people lost their lives when their bus plummeted over the side of a cliff.
在秘鲁,一辆公交车坠入悬崖,至少36人遇难 。
The bus was traveling on a treacherous stretch of highway north of Lima, when it collided with a tractor-trailer.
这辆公交当时行走在位于利马北部的高速路上,这条路异常险峻,事故发生时公交与一辆拖车相撞 。
Crews worked to rescue survivors in a hard-to-reach area.
救援人员正在难以到达的地区展开救援 。
Several people were transported to a nearby hospital with serious injuries.
多名重伤患者被转移到了就近医院 。
Back in this country, the longest-serving Senate Republican announced that he is retiring at the end of this year;
国内方面,在任时间最长的参议院共和党人士宣布将在今年年末卸任 。
83-year-old Orrin Hatch of Utah said he won't seek reelection after being in office more than 40 years.
83岁的犹他州参议员奥林·哈奇称将不再参加选举,他的在任时间超40载 。
In a video announcement, Hatch, who chairs the powerful Senate Finance Committee, said it's time to move on.
在一段视频声明中,参议院财政委员会主席哈奇称是时候继续前行了 。
I have always been a fighter. I was an amateur boxer in my youth, and I brought that fighting spirit with me to Washington.
我一直是一名战士,我年轻的时候曾是一名业余拳击手,我把这种战斗精神带到了政府工作中 。
But every good fighter knows when to hang up the gloves. And for me, that time is soon approaching.
但每名好拳击手都知道什么时候离开,对于我而言,这一天快要到来了 。
I may be leaving the Senate, but the next chapter in my public service is just beginning.
我或许会离开参议院,但我在政府部门的新篇章也就此打开 。
The move now opens the door for former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney to possibly run for the Utah Senate seat.
此举会给前共和党总统候选人罗姆尼竞选犹他州参议员提供机会 。
A bone-chilling cold gripped a huge swathe of the U.S. for another day.
美国大片地区今天依然受寒潮影响 。
The deep freeze has now been blamed for at least nine deaths in the past week.
上周寒冷天气已造成至少9人死亡 。
Subzero temperatures forced schools to close in Indianapolis.
在印第安纳波利斯,低温天气迫使学校关闭 。
And farther south, in Houston, traffic on ice-covered highways slowed to a crawl.
在南部的休斯顿,冰雪覆盖的高速路行驶缓慢 。
Freeze warnings were issued there, all the way north to Canada, and from Montana through New England.
休斯顿发布寒潮预警,预警信号一直延伸到北部的加拿大,以及蒙大拿州到新英格兰地区 。