Welcome to English in a Minute!
Falling is no fun. You can get hurt. Falling through the cracks sounds even worse.
跌倒可不是一件好玩的事 。你会受伤 。跌落到裂缝里听起来更糟糕 。
But is that what is really happening here? Let’s listen.
但是,这件事真的发生了吗?让我们一起来听听看吧 。
To Fall Through the Cracks
Hey, did you have time to look at my script? Right, your script!
Sorry, I’ve been so busy that reading your script kind of fell through the cracks.
不好意思,我最近太忙了,所以忘记读你的手稿了 。
No problem. I know when I’m busy things fall through the cracks all the time.
没关系 。我知道我忙的时候也总是会疏忽一些事情 。
Well, I have time now. So, I’ll take a look at it.
好吧,我现在有时间了 。所以,我会看看的 。
When something falls through the cracks, it is forgotten or overlooked.
疏忽了某事,指这件事被忘记了,或是忽略了 。
In our example, Anna was so busy she forgot to read a script.
在今天的例子中,安娜由于太忙了所以忘了读手稿 。
Often we use this this expression for serious issues, such as when people are lost or forgotten in a large system.
通常我们会在严肃的问题中使用这个表达,比如说人们在一个大的体系中不知所措或是被遗忘 。
And that’s English in a Minute!