日期:2017-12-27 14:28



How is the family? Are the kids excited for Christmas? Alive. Alive and well. Yes. We're doing our jobs.
家人怎么样? 孩子们对圣诞感兴趣吗? 他们真的是兴高采烈,我们做了我们能做的THaccVQ&o1Nnll3mTl0n
Yes. you're doing your jobs. Yeah. Are they psyched? Yeah, I think so. I mean, Daisy's 1.
没错,你做了你应该做的,他们感到兴奋吗? 我想应该是,黛西今年1岁kcTtivDtf=JX&hR
So she's psyched about food and most things. Anything, yeah, yeah. She's a baby. Yeah, yeah.
But, Otis is 3 and a half, and he understands that gifts are exchanged, that he is going to be getting a bunch of new toys.
We're filling up a box tomorrow of all the toys that need to go elsewhere, give them to some other kids to make room for some stuff. Yeah.
But I don't think he,but he's at an age where he knows Santa is a thing,
but we can't use him as like the great disciplinarian that Santa is for most households. Yeah, not yet.
No, he thinks Santa, like, I buy the toys and Santa just, he just thinks Santa is like a FedEx guy.
Delivering presents. Delivering presents, like, so you order them through Santa?
Yeah, exactly. Or he thinks Jeff Bezos is Santa, and then Santa's like an elf, so... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I got you.
So it's like, you know hey, if you do that, you know, if you push your sister, Santa's not gonna bring you what you want.
He's just like... Yeah. So we won't overnight it, big deal. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, exactly, right.
Yeah, Priority Overnight isn't a thing, Dad?
Oh, man. How'd you learn that? Has he met Santa? Have you ever, no, he hasn't met Santa yet.
老天,他是怎么知道的? 他见过圣诞老人了吗? 没有,他还没见过(ct&K-JRFaJfwxg@i
I think that's part of the problem. We haven't introduced him to the mythology yet.
Yeah, you have to. You know, he knows the Grinch. He knows the Joker from Batman in the 60s.
You know, he knows those iconic...Important. Important things, yeah. We're...
Every kid's gotta know the Joker. You know, and Jesus. Yeah. It's all very nice.
Of course, of course. All the biggies. In that order. Those are the three. But then we... That's the Holy Trinity in our house you know.
Oh. Many, they agree. They agree, they agree. And how's the beautiful baby? How's Daisy? She's good.
哦,他们同意,他们同意,你那个小公主怎么样? 黛西怎么样? 她非常好X6Ec5k,q[j4DZgCd7C
She's cute as pie. And she's in her, visually, adorable. Audibly, she's a shrieker. She shrieks.
She shrieks incessantly. In a good mood, bad mood. She realizes that people look at her when she shrieks,
so now the shrieking is like part of her DNA, unfortunately. So, she's like yelling or...
Oh no, it's like a shriek. I'm talking about like...I mean, I can't do it, cause I'm a grown man,




but like, if....I'd have to do it on the inhale. It'd be like...Really?
Do you remember the sound Daryl Hannah made in Splash? When she says her name. Anybody here over 30? We...the...
你记得达丽尔·汉纳在《现代美人鱼》里的尖叫吗? 当她说她自己的名字时,现场有30岁以上的吗?
Tom Hanks used to do comedies. Oh, my gosh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And so, yeah. I mean, it's awful.
We were on a plane recently. We went on vacation. We went to Hawaii, which is a lovely place, and then on the plane ride home,
Liv and the baby were two rows away from me. Then there was a random duo, a couple older ladies and then Otis and I a row ahead.
And I could hear the shrieking starting, and I knew it was gonna keep going until she...
everybody died or something. I don't know. Yeah. She's very persistent.
And then,so, but the women behind me didn't know that I was with the people behind them.
So they're whispering and just covering their ears being like, oh, my God! Oh, my God!
And then one of them just looks over to the other one, just put something in her mouth!
And I'm like,I turn over. And like, sort of look. And again and then I got up and just sort of walked over and kissed my baby so they know,
oh, yeah. Quit talking trash. Yeah, exactly. I can hear you. Stick up for the baby, yeah.
But I mean, literally people's tans were falling off, it was so loud. Their leis were wilting. Man.
It was like, you know, like a time lapse. But you know... Hawaiian leis. Oh, it was horrible. It was horrible.
The vacation was null and void by the time we landed.

  • persistentadj. 固执的,坚持的,连续的
  • mythologyn. 神话,神话学,神话集
  • shriekv. 尖叫,叫喊 n. 尖叫
  • rown. 排,船游,吵闹 vt. 划船,成排 vi. 划船,
  • planeadj. 平的,与飞机有关的 n. 飞机,水平,水准,刨
  • randomadj. 随机的,随意的,任意的 adv. 随机地 n.
  • inhalev. 吸入,吞咽
  • lapsen. 过失,流逝,失效,抛弃信仰,间隔 vi. 堕落,停
  • overnightn. 前晚 adj. 通宵的,晚上的,前夜的 adv.
  • stickn. 枝,杆,手杖 vt. 插于,刺入,竖起 vi. 钉