Hello, this is BBC News the latest headlines.
大家好,这里是BBC世界新闻头条 。
The United Nations has warned the leaders of Myanmar could face charges of genocide over the persecution of Rohingya Muslims.
联合国警告缅甸领导人可能因迫害罗兴亚穆斯林面临种族灭绝指控 。
The UN's Human Rights chief said he assumes the country's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi sanctioned their oppression.
联合国人权主管称其认为缅甸实际领导人昂山素季对罗兴亚人的压迫实施了制裁 。
Some 650,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled to Bangladesh since August.
自八月以来,约65万罗兴亚穆斯林逃往了孟加拉国 。
South Africa's governing ANC is voting to choose a new leader to succeed President Jacob Zuma.
南非统治者非洲民族会议正在投票选举新的领导人来接替雅各布·祖玛总统 。
Nearly 5,000 delegates are expected to vote.
近5000名代表会参与投票 。
Deputy president Cyril Ramaphosa appears to be leading the nominations.
副总统西里尔·拉马弗萨在提名名单中位居前列 。
And president Putin has acknowledged the help of the CIA in preventing terror attacks in Saint Petersburg.
普京总统承认中央情报局协助了阻止圣彼得堡的恐怖袭击 。
He told President Trump the information had helped to track down and detain a terrorist group preparing blasts in Kazan Cathedral and other places in the city.
他告诉特朗普总统美国提供的信息帮助追捕并拘留了恐怖分子团伙,他们正准备在喀山大教堂和该市的其他地方密谋爆炸 。