It's obvious that men and women are wired differently.
显然男人和女人的脑回路不一样 。
We tend to generally just do things differently than the opposite sex.
通常异性间很多事情都不同 。
We use the bathroom differently, eat differently, express our emotions differently and so on.
Therefore, it's quite obvious that women also fall in love differently than men.
因此,女性坠入爱河的方式显然也和男性不一样 。
But in what ways? How do these unique differences set them apart and how does it change the course of a relationship.
但到底怎么个不相同呢?独特的不同如何将男女区别开来以及这种特性如何改变这一段关系 。
Here are five ways that women fall in love.
女性坠入爱河的方式有五种 。
1. She needs to get to know you as a person.
1. 他需要了解你是怎样的一个人 。
Sure you guys may have had a few classes together and maybe even gone on a few dates but does she really know you?
How many deep heartfelt conversations have you two had?
Have you discussed that one time in the fourth grade when you got your head stuck in a fence? Not yet?
Well, it'll come up and it will definitely be essential for this relationship to prosper.
好吧,都会讨论到的并且这对这段关系的成功至关重要 。
See women have a greater need to build memories with someone first before falling in love with them
including sharing secrets and stories with one another;
men, on the other hand, need the initial attraction first
whereas women can learn to fall in love over time by getting to know someone on a deeper level.
而女性却可以随着时间流逝以及对对方更深入的了解而学会爱上对方 。
Sometimes these types of relationships tend to last longer and be stronger
since once the initial physical attraction becomes numb, there's nothing left for you -
looks can only go so far because we're all bound to grow old and our bodies are forever changing.
外表仅能止步于此,因为我们都会变老,我们身体永远在变化 。
In the end, personalities that click are the true driving force for anything real and long-lasting.
最终,性格才是真实而长久关系的真实驱动力 。
2. She needs to know what you think.
2. 她需要知道你的所想 。
With estrogen known as the female sex hormone,
it's coincidentally also linked to memories learning abstract concepts and webbed thinking.
恰巧女性荷尔蒙还与学习抽象概念和网状思考相联系 。
It's all about stimulating the brain since these are so important to her and traits she already acquires.
这一切就是刺激大脑,因为这些对她本身以及她已习得的特质非常重要 。
Subconsciously, she wants to know that men are capable of logic and deep thoughts.
在潜意识里,她想要知道男性是否能够进行逻辑和深入思考 。
It's an instinctive habit with wanting to know if your potential mate is going to be able to care for you and protect you.
这是一种本能的习惯,想要知道你的潜在男伴是否能够照顾和保护你 。
While it's fun to go on dates and do fun activities together.
当然一起约会和活动很开心 。
The most attractive quality is someone's unique way of thinking.
最具有吸引力的特质是一个人独特的思考方式 。
Do we have similar views politically, socially, religiously?
Do we have similar perspectives on life? Is he more logical oriented or artistically inclined?
Does this way of thinking challenge my views and ideals? Do we play devil's advocate successfully from one another?
Intelligence is important and though you don't need a man who is a certified genius who has the answer to all the questions.
智力很重要,虽然你并不需要一位认证天才回答你的所有问题 。
She does need to know that he's smart enough to help her in her time of need and also fend for himself.
她确实需要知道对方是否足够聪明能够在需要时帮助她且能够照料他自己 。
She needs to know that she can be with someone who is willing to explore life's philosophies with her.
她需要知道和她在一起的人愿意和自己一起探索生命的哲理 。
3. She needs to know that you're a good conversationalist.
3. 她需要知道你是否是一名好的交谈者 。
No matter what you decide to discuss, you both need to enjoy talking to one another.
不论你决定讨论什么内容,你俩都需要享受这一次的交谈 。
You need to be able to have interesting conversations that don't feel forced or dragged on about things the other doesn't care about.
你需要能够进行有趣的自愿交谈,或是避免对方不关心的事情 。
Obviously, this is completely subjective because different people have different ideas or what a good conversation entails.
显然,这完全是主观的,因为不同人有着不同想法或是对好的交谈的定义不同 。
Some people like talking about everyday matters, like the weather and what happened at work that day
while others like debating for fun and others like to discuss the what if some potential future outcomes of the world.
而一些人喜欢辩论,另一些喜欢讨论对世界未来的猜测 。
Through the best conversations, you bond closer with someone and become more intimate with them.
通过最好的交谈,你会和对方更贴近并和他们变得亲密 。
Although good verbal skills are important when getting to know someone, silence is just as important.
虽然当了解一个人时,好的语言能力很重要,但沉默也一样重要 。
You should be able to have comfortable silence with another person.
你应该能够与对方享受舒适的沉默 。
Someone should not have to always be talking, it's nice to have people who not only engage in good banter and debates
but also who can use words to teach things without coming off as being conceited.
但同样他应该也能利用语言教导而不表现的很自负 。
4. She needs to know that you're reliable.
4. 她需要知道你是否可靠 。
Since women are biologically programmed to be child bears,
they have a subconscious need to know that every mate is capable of potentially caring for a child with her.
她们潜意识里需要知道对方有和她一起照顾孩子的潜能 。
Since getting pregnant is very possible for most women,
it's a major concern that her mate will be worthy of fathering her potential child.
女性非常担心他的伴侣是否有资格成为她未来孩子的父亲 。
Bearing a child will affect their lives in a huge way,
therefore, women are more selective with who they choose a partner for survival purposes.
因此,女性对挑选生活伴侣更加挑剔 。
They need to be sure that the person they're with is reliable and can provide for the family,
if the situation calls for it in the future.
如果未来需要的话 。
5. She needs to know that she can be herself in front of you.
5. 她需要知道她在你面前可以做自己 。
This does indeed pertain to both sexes but
it's especially important for women when trying to determine whether or not they're falling in love.
这一点对女性尤为重要,因为她们需要决定自己要不要爱上对方 。
Vulnerability is important when having general feelings for someone.
当对某人有感觉时,脆弱很重要 。
She needs to know that she can be her full true self around him even in her most embarrassing and private moments.
她需要知道自己能够在对方周围展现真实的自己,即使是在她最尴尬私密的时刻 。
A lot of women tend to build walls up and the men in their lives need to prove that
they're going to be there for them always in order for them to open up.
他们会一直陪着她们直到她们打开心扉 。
Women are truly unique creatures and earning their love takes time and patience but it's well worth the wait.
女性真的是特别的物种,博得她们的爱需要时间和耐心但绝对值得等待 。
And those are the five ways that women fall in love. Do you agree with this list?
以上是女性坠入爱河的五种方式 。你同意不?
Let us know in the comments section below.
请在下方评论留言告诉我们 。
Thank you so much for watching this video. I'm Ashley, you can follow me on any of my social down below.
感谢收看本期视频 。我是Ashley,你可以通过以下平台关注我 。
Be sure to subscribe and follow us on any of our social medias. See you in the next video.
记得在社交网站上订阅关注我们的频道 。下期见 。