Hello.Hey.What's up?I'm Michael.Welcome to Oxford Online English.
你好。嗨。最近怎么样?我是 Michael。欢迎来到 Oxford Online English。
In this lesson, you'll learn about some of the differences between American and British slang.
Have you ever listened to a song or watched a TV show and found a word that you hadn't seen before?
And then you went to check your dictionary or your text book and you still couldn't find the meaning?
These are very probably slang words.What do I mean when I say slang words?
I'm talking about informal, conversational vocabulary.Slang is usually specific to a particular group or place.
For example, people in different cities and towns might use different slang words.
In this video, you can see some of the differences between American and British slang.
Before we begin, you should remember that slang can be different in different places.
Somebody in northern England may use very different slang to someone in the south of England.
Somebody who lives on the west coast of America will use different slang to somebody on the east coast.
However, most people will understand slang, even if they don't use the same words.
We're going to look at two sentences: one using British slang and one with American slang.
But first, let me describe the situation in standard English: "I went to this excellent club yesterday with my friend.
It was very good but I spent lots of money.The music was terrible but I danced a lot anyway.
I'm very tired today and very hungover because I got drunk."
Now let's listen to this situation again but using British modern slang.
"I went to this ace club yesterday with my mate.
“昨天,我和我的朋友(mate)去了一家 很棒(ace)的俱乐部。
It was dead good but I spent lots of dosh.
那里棒极了(dead good),但是我花了很多钞票(dosh)。
The music was rubbish but I danced a lot anyway.
I'm knackered today and very hungover because I got plastered."Very different, right?
我今天精疲力尽了(knackered),而且因为喝得太多(got plastered)所以非常难受。”很不一样,对吧?
But let's listen to this situation again but using American modern slang.
"I went to this dope club yesterday with my buddy.
It was hella good but I spent lots of dough.
那里棒极了(hella good)但我花了很多钱(dough)。
The music was crappy but I danced a lot anyway.
I'm beat today and very hungover because I got wasted."
我今天累瘫了(beat ),而且非常难受因为我喝得太多了(got wasted)。”
Let's look at the first part of the first sentence.
In British slang you can use 'ace' to mean 'excellent'.
在英式俚语里,你可以用 'ace' 意思是'excellent'(极好的)。
So you can say 'that chocolate was ace', meaning it was very good or 'the weather today is ace', meaning the weather is great today.
所以你可以说 'that chocolate was ace',意思是巧克力很好,或者 'the weather today is ace',意思是今天天气很好。
In American slang you can use 'dope' to mean 'excellent'.
在美式俚语种,你可以用 'dope' 指代 'excellent'。
You can say 'that film was dope' to mean that it was a very good film.
你可以说 'that film was dope',意思是这是一部非常好的电影。
You can say 'my new phone is dope' if you like your new phone.
你可以说 'my new phone is dope',如果你喜欢你的新手机的话。
Now, let's look at the rest of the sentence.
In British slang you can use 'mate' to mean 'friend'.
在英式俚语里你可以用 'mate' 代指'friend'。
If I say 'I'm going to the cinema with my mates' it means that I'm going with my friends.
如果我说'I'm going to the cinema with my mates',意思是我和我的朋友一起去的。
Or maybe I say that 'I saw my mate at school today', meaning that I saw my friend today.
或者我可以说:I saw my mate at school today',意思是我今天看见我的朋友了。
In American English you can use 'buddy' to mean 'friend'.
在美式英语里,可以用 'buddy' 代指 'friend'。
If you say 'I went to the mall with my buddies' it means that you went with your friends.
如果你说'I went to the mall with my buddies',意思就是我和我的朋友们一起去的。
Let's now look at the first part of the second sentence.
In British English you can say 'dead' to mean 'very'.
在英式英语里,你可以说 'dead' 代指'very'。
If it is very cold, you can say 'it's dead cold today' or if you watched a very boring film, you could say that 'the film was dead boring'.
如果天气很冷,你可以说 'it's dead cold today' 或者如果你看了一部非常无聊的电影,你可以说 'the film was dead boring'。
In American English you can say 'hella' to mean 'very'.
在美式英语里,你可以说 'hella' 代指 'very'。
This is mostly used in California, but it's widely understood.
If you took a very difficult exam, you could say 'the exam was hella difficult'.
如果你参加了一场非常难的考试,你可以说:'the exam was hella difficult'。
Or if you bought a new car that cost a lot you could describe it as 'hella expensive'.
或者如果你买了一辆新车,花了很多钱,你可以用 'hella expensive',来形容。
Let's look at the rest of the second sentence.
In British English you can use 'dosh' to mean 'money'.
在英式英语里,你可以用 'dosh'指代 'money'。
If you don't have any money, you can say 'I don't have any dosh'.
如果你一分钱都没有了,你可以说 'I don't have any dosh'。
Or if you earn a lot of money, you can say that you 'earn loads of dosh'.
或者如果你赚了很多钱,你可以说你 'earn loads of dosh'。
In American English you can use 'dough' to mean 'money'.
在美式英语里,你可以用 'dough' 代指 'money'。
If a TV was expensive to buy, you could say that 'the TV costs a lot of dough'.
如果买了一个很贵的电视,你可以说 'the TV costs a lot of dough'。
Or if want to borrow some money you could say 'could you lend me some dough?'
或者如果你想借一些钱,你可以说'could you lend me some dough?'
Now, let's look at the third sentence.
In British English you can use 'rubbish' to mean 'terrible'.
在英式英语里,你可以用 'rubbish' 意思是糟糕的。
So if you say that 'a song is rubbish' you mean that you don't like it.
所以如果你说 'a song is rubbish',意味着你不喜欢它。
Or if you say that 'the pizza tasted rubbish', you are saying that the pizza was awful.
或者如果你说 'the pizza tasted rubbish',你是在说这个披萨很难吃。
You could even say that 'the pizza tasted dead rubbish' meaning it was very bad.
你甚至可以说 'the pizza tasted dead rubbish',意思是它真的很难吃。
In American English you can use 'crappy' to mean 'terrible'.
在美式英语里,你可以用 'crappy' 指代 'terrible'。
I could say that 'the weather is crappy' to mean that the weather is terrible.
我可以说 'the weather is crappy' 意思是天气很糟糕。
Or if you say that you 'feel crappy' it means that you feel bad, for example if you're ill or tired.
或者你可以说你'feel crappy',意思是你感觉很糟糕,假设你生病了或者是累了。
Let's look at the start of the fourth sentence.
You can use 'knackered' in British English to mean 'tired'.
在英式英语中,你可以用 'knackered' 代指 'tired'.
I could say that 'I need to sleep because I'm knackered' or 'after going to the gym I feel knackered' meaning that I am very tired.
我可以说 'I need to sleep because I'm knackered',或者是 'after going to the gym I feel knackered' 意思是我非常累。
In American English you can use 'beat' to mean 'tired'.
在美式英语中,你可以用 'beat' 代指 'tired'。
So if I have just played basketball for the past few hours and am very tired I could say that 'I am beat'.
所以如果我刚打了两个小时的篮球,现在非常累了,我可以说 'I am beat'。
Or if I didn't sleep much last night I could say that 'I'm beat'.
或者如果我昨晚没怎么睡,我可以说 'I'm beat'。
Now, let's look at the rest of the fourth sentence.
We are now talking about a situation where you have drunk a lot of alcohol.
In standard English you would be described as drunk.
在标准的英语里,是用 drunk(醉酒的)来形容你。
In British English you can use 'plastered' to mean 'drunk'.
在英式英语里,你可以用 'plastered' 指代 'drunk'。
To say 'I was plastered last night because I had so many beers' means that I had so many beers I got drunk.
说 'I was plastered last night because I had so many beers' 意思就是我有很多啤酒,所以我喝多了。
Or if someone you know got very drunk last night you could say that 'he got dead plastered' last night.
或者如果你认识的某个人昨天晚上喝醉了,你可以说昨天晚上 'he got dead plastered'。
In American English you use 'wasted' to mean 'drunk'.
在美式英语中,用 'wasted' 代指 'drunk'。
So if your friend had a bit too much to drink last night you can say that 'my buddy was wasted last night'.
所以如果你的朋友昨天晚上喝得有点多了,你可以说 'my buddy was wasted last night'。
So hopefully now if you visit London and hear someone say that they got dead plastered with their mates last night you'll understand that they got very drunk with their friends last night.
但愿现在如果你去伦敦游玩,听到一些人说他们昨晚和 mate(朋友)got dead plastered(喝得烂醉),你应该会明白他们昨晚是和朋友一起喝多了。
Or if you visit San Francisco and hear someone say that their new TV is dope but cost hella dough you'll understand that they are saying that their new TV is excellent but it cost a lot of money.
或者如果你去旧金山参观,听到一些人说他们的新电视 dope (酷毙了),但是 cost hella dough(花了很多钱),你可以理解他们是说他们的新电视很棒但是花了很多钱。
So to conclude, in British slang: 'Ace' means 'excellent'.
所以总结一下,在英式俚语中,'Ace'意思是 'excellent' (极好的)。
'Dead' means 'very'.'Dosh' means 'money'.
'Dead' 意思是 'very'(非常)。'Dosh' 意思是 'money'(钱)。
'Rubbish' means 'terrible'.'Knackered' means 'tired'.
'Rubbish' 意思是 'terrible'(糟糕的)。'Knackered' 意思是 'tired'(疲惫的)。
'Plastered' means 'drunk'.And in American slang: 'Dope' means 'excellent'.
'Plastered' 意思是 'drunk'(醉酒的)。而在美式俚语里:'Dope' 意思是 'excellent' (极好的)。
'Hella' means 'very'.'Dough' means 'money'.'Crappy' means 'terrible'.
'Hella' 意思是 'very'(非常)。'Dough' 意思是 'money'(钱)。'Crappy' 意思是 'terrible'(糟糕的)。
'Beat' means 'tired'.And 'Wasted' means 'drunk'.
'Beat' 意思是 'tired'(疲惫的)。'Wasted' 意思是 'drunk'(醉酒的)。
I hope these slang terms have been dead useful or in American English hella useful.
我希望这些俚语词组是非常有用的或者用美食英语说是hella useful。
Thanks very much for watching!I hope that you enjoyed the lesson.
You can see more of our ace or dope free lessons on our website: oxfordonlineenglish. com.See you next time!
你可以观看登录我们的网站:oxfordonlineenglish. com 观看更多精彩课程。下次再见。