BBC纪录片《南太平洋》(MP3+中英字幕) 第162期:脆弱的天堂(11)
日期:2017-12-25 07:18


Far out at sea, a long-line fishing vessel is setting its line.
远在大海外面 一艘长线钓鱼船正在布线
It's long-line vessels in particular that have been held responsible for the decline of the albatross.
长线钓鱼船尤其应该对 信天翁数量的下降负责
The fishermen pay out a line 30 miles long across the surface of the ocean,
and every few metres, they attach a secondary line with a hook, baited with a fish or squid.
每隔几米 他们绑上一条副线 上面有一个钩 用鱼或乌贼作饵
Every night, this vessel casts over 1,000 hooks,
每个晚上 这艘船投放超过1,000个鱼钩
and it is just one of many long-liners plying the Pacific,
而它只是穿梭于太平洋的 许多长线钓鱼船中的一艘
some with lines 100 miles long.
But this fisherman is well aware of the threat to the sea birds,
and to prevent them from swallowing his hooks,
he has adopted bird-friendly fishing methods.


It's why he sets his lines at night, when the albatross are sleeping.
这是为什么他在晚上 信天翁睡觉的时候布鱼线的原因
And he deploys "tori lines".
These simple streamers are remarkably effective at scaring birds away from the hooks.
这些简单的彩条带效果显着 将鸟吓离鱼钩
He also thaws out his bait before hooking it, so it sinks out of sight quickly.
他还在钩住鱼饵之前融化它 因此它很快下沉不见
His bird catch is now virtually zero.
This leaves more hooks free for his target species—bigeye tuna.
这为捕捞他的目标 大眼金枪鱼留下较多的鱼钩
These are powerful fish, and can weigh well over 100 kilos.
这些鱼很有力 体重超过100公斤
It may look brutal, but the most humane way to kill one quickly is to shoot it.
可能看起来残忍 但最人性化的杀鱼方法 是将它射杀
The future of the albatross still hangs in the balance.
The birds around New Zealand are benefiting from a law that states all long-line fishing vessels must use bird-friendly methods.
在新西兰附近的鸟类正受益于一道法律 规定所有的长线渔船必须使用 对鸟类友善的捕渔法
But albatross are great travellers,
so they're still at risk throughout the rest of the South Pacific.
因此它们在南太平洋的其余 各处仍然处于险境
Only if all fishing vessels adopt the same bird-friendly techniques will the story of the albatross—
除非如果所有的渔船采取对鸟类友善的技术 信天翁的故事会不会...
like that of the whale—have a happy ending.
