I don't want to, I can't do it, can you go with me?
When someone says these things they may truly feel as though they don't want to, they can't or they need someone to go with them.
当某人说出这些话时,就好像他们是真的不想去、做不到或是他们真的需要别人的陪同 。
However there's another thing that may be at play, social anxiety.
但是还有另一点——社会性焦虑症 。
Perhaps when the person says that they don't wish to do something,
they mean that they don't know what to do in that particular situation,
so they don't want to go and potentially make a fool of themselves.
所以他们不想去,不想做蠢事 。
The same reasoning applies towards those that say they can't do something.
同样的原因也可用于解释那些说自己做不到某事的人 。
As for the last question, perhaps the individual just needs a trusted friend to go with them into a new situation or location.
至于最后一个问题,也许某人只是需要一个信得过的朋友和他们一起面对新的环境和地方 。
Perhaps the anxiety that individual feels is too strong and debilitating
and without a friend to be there with them, they will feel incapable of doing something.
而没有朋友的陪伴,他们会感到各种无能为力 。
Social anxiety disorder or social phobia is where a person has an excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations.
社交焦虑障碍或社交恐惧症指的是一个人对于社会情景过度的恐惧 。
With individuals who have social anxiety disorder, they may fall into one of two categories:
generalized, where most social situations are avoided or feared
and non-generalized, where a person has a greater level of anxiety towards certain situations such as public speaking.
以及非普通型,患者对于某种场合,如公开演讲有着极大的焦虑 。
Some symptoms that may be present when someone suffers from this disorder are being very afraid of others judgement,
avoiding public places, having difficulty speaking or being with others, even though they wish they could,
and worrying for an extended period of time before an event where others will be present.
并且在有他人出席的场合会长时间地担忧 。
Several different factors are at play when one deals with social anxiety
with genetics our brains and our life experiences being three of the most commonly accepted ones.
其中基因、大脑和我们的生活经历是三个最被普遍接受的因素 。
However with the greater understanding of the disorder, one can begin lessening the effects.
只要对这种障碍症有更多的理解,患者可以减少影响 。
Often that can be achieved through cognitive behavior therapy, CBT or
through doctors who are also known to prescribe medication for social anxiety disorder.
通过医生开的社交焦虑障碍处方药进行治疗 。
When someone mentions that they truly do not wish to participate in something,
we should take into account their level of anxiety first.
我们首先应该考虑到他们的焦虑等级 。
Anxiety can be truly debilitating, so we should be patient and supportive to those who experience it.
焦虑真的会使人精疲力尽,所以我们应该更加有耐心并鼓励障碍症患者 。
If you know a friend that suffers some social anxiety, how do you help them?
If you yourself experience anxiety, do you know any ways to cope with it? Share your ideas down below.
如果你就是社交焦虑症患者,你有哪些应对方法?在下方和大家分享 。
If you enjoyed this video be sure to follow a tumblr, twitter and facebook for more content and don't forget to subscribe.
如果你喜欢本期视频,请在汤不热、推特和脸书上关注我们,不要忘记订阅哟 。
Thanks for watching and have a wonderful day.
谢谢收看,祝好 。