Suicide, the act of taking your own life, a horrific act but sadly a common occurrence.
自杀,一种剥夺自己生命的举动,虽然很可怕,但却经常发生 。
Every forty seconds, someone dies from suicide, that's one million people per year.
每四十秒就有人因自杀而死亡,一年下来就是一百万人 。
Maybe you've never dealt with suicide directly. Maybe someone you know has attempted or committed suicide.
也许你不曾与自杀有过直接接触 。也许你认识的人就尝试过自杀或是因自杀而死亡 。
Perhaps you have attempted suicide.
也许你自己就也尝试过自杀 。
Whatever your experience with suicide is, it's very important to understand the signs of suicidal behavior,
but please keep in mind that not every suicidal person will show this signs.
但请记住并不是每个自杀的人都会表现出这些征兆 。
In addition, seeing a single sign does not mean that the person is suicidal,
the point of this video is for you to understand this signs and work out whether the person needs a friend or professional help.
该视频重点在于让大家了解这些征兆并给予关爱或为他们寻求专业帮助 。
Sign No.1. Suicidal Talk.
征兆1. 谈论自杀 。
What do you think about suicide? Have you ever thought about killing yourself?
How would you kill yourself? What do you think is the best way to commit suicide?
Questions or phrases like these may suggest that the person is considering it.
类似的问题或话语可能暗示着这个人正在考虑自杀 。
They talk about it because they want your opinion.
他们谈起这些是因为他们想知道你的意见 。
In a way, they're asking for advise on committing suicide, while not openly admitting to it.
他们这有点像是在询问关于自杀的意见,只是没有公开承认罢了 。
This may also be a way they're screaming for help.
这也可能是他们在向你求助 。
Sign No.2. Giving away prized posessions.
征兆2. 将自己珍视的东西送人 。
It's an odd occurrence when someone gives away expensive items or items they may need.
将自己的贵重物品或自己需要的物品送人是很奇怪的事情 。
In their mind, where they're going they don't need material things, giving away material possessions to loved ones
may be a way they think they're helping close friends and family after their death.
他们认为这样或许可以在死后给予自己密友和家人以帮助 。
Sign No.3. Changes to their will.
征兆3.更改遗嘱 。
There are usually a number of triggering events that cause someone to write their will.
通常有些事情可能触动某人立下遗嘱 。
This events include marriage, having kids, older age, starting a business or a close loved one dying.
这些事情包括婚姻、孩子、年老、创业或是爱人逝世 。
If a person seems to want to write a will out of the blue, try asking them why they have decided to write one.
如果某人突然想立遗嘱,试着问问他们为什么 。
Sign No.4. Obtaining a weapon.
征兆4. 买武器 。
Of course, the mere act of obtaining a weapon doesn't mean someone is suicidal
but paired with the previous signs mentioned should serve as a warning,
especially if they don't show any signs of taking up things like shooting as a sport, shooting as a hobby or gun collecting
特别是如果他们买枪却并不是为了运动、兴趣或枪支收集 。
Sign No.5. Strange sleeping patterns.
Those strange sleeping patterns are often seen in suicidal people.
这些有自杀倾向的人通常都会有那些奇怪的睡眠模式 。
It isn't the sleeping disorder that causes this, it is actually the stress or restless thoughts from personal problems
that cause the person to have trouble sleeping at night.
而引起了失眠 。
Because of that the inability to sleep that last a long period of time
may be a clue that someone is suffering from depresion or suicidal thoughts.
可能是某人心情沮丧或有自杀想法的线索 。
Sign No.6. Low energy.
征兆6.无精打采 。
Low energy levels are often seen in people with depression
which is some times coupled with suicidal thoughts.
有时会伴有自杀想法 。
This low energy levels happen as a result of lack of sleep and little motivation to do activities
that would actually help them feel better.
事实上活动能帮助他们康复 。
Sign No.7. Abusing drugs or alcohol.
征兆7.滥用药物或酗酒 。
A study by Bruce Alexander examined the theory of drug addiction on rats.
Bruce Alexander在一次研究中对老鼠药物成瘾理论进行调查 。
Previous studies had concluded rats to be highly motivated for addictive drugs,
despite the obvious risks of being electrocuted or the deprivation of food.
老鼠仍积极地想要获取成瘾性药物 。
Alexander challenged that notion by conducting a study of his own.
Alexander通过自己的研究挑战了这一想法 。
He would put the rats on cages where they were free to do activities and interact with other rats.
他将老鼠放在笼子里,在笼子里老鼠能够自由活动并和其他老鼠互动 。
In past studies, the rats were in cages alone often with nothing to do but the addictive drug,
in Alexander's study, he found the rats to rarely take the drug.
在Alexander的研究中,他发现老鼠对药几乎不感兴趣 。
The same implications can be made for humans.
同样的情况也适用于人类身上 。
When humans don't feel connected to anyone, they may turn to drugs and alcohol as a form of escape.
当他们感觉和别人之间没有连接时,他们可能会服用药物或喝酒逃避 。
Another reason may be because they think that the drug will give them enough willpower to commit suicide.
另一个原因可能是因为他们认为药物能够给予他们自杀的力量 。