日期:2017-11-23 07:24



Yeah. I just want to say, I'm so happy to be here.
嗯 我就想说 能来这儿真的超开心
And this is the only thing I've ever wanted to do because you're my idol.
这是我唯一想做的事 因为你是我偶像
Aw, well, that's so sweet.
啊 嗯 太暖心了
The song is longer than that. It's a long song, and it's very impressive.
歌里面可不止这一句台词啊 歌曲很长 超级棒
Thank you. So this is your first time in LA.
谢谢 这是你第一次来洛杉矶
What did you want to do, and have you done anything yet?
你想做什么 你做过什么事了吗
I've always wanted to see a real palm tree, and I saw that yesterday.
我一直都想亲眼看看真棕榈树 我昨天看到了一棵
Did you see one? I did, yeah. They're so tall. Yeah.
是吗?对的 它们好高啊 是
And then, we have Starbucks back home, but all they sell is like the hot chocolate and coffee,
还有 我们国家有星巴克 不过他们似乎就只卖热巧克力和咖啡
and here you've got really fancy drinks, like the pink drink.
但你们这儿有好多好喝的饮料 比如粉色饮料
So I'm going to try that tomorrow.




OK, so those are the only two things that--Oh, and there's a lip balm called EOS.
好 只有这两件事 哦 还有EOS润唇膏
And we do have it back home-- it's really expensive.
我们家那边也有 不过很贵
So I'm going to try and get a bargain here. Oh, I see.
所以我打算在这儿买点便宜的 哦 明白了
You think they're less expensive here? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Oh they are? OK.
你觉得这里卖的便宜些?对 对 嗯 是吗?好
So one of the requirements that I have to show that you're actually my biggest fan--
为了表明你是我最大的粉丝 其中有一个要求是
not only write a song about me, but to read all of my books, and you have.
不光要为我写歌 还得读完我所有的书 你都做到了
Yeah. Yeah. Of course, yeah. Of course. And the thing is-- it's a bit embarrassing, but I don't read a lot.
对 嗯 当然 肯定 其实 有点尴尬 我不怎么喜欢读书
They're like the only three books I've read in life, apart from school books.
那是我除了学校课本外 唯一读过的三本书
So, yeah. I like you more and more. All right, and when did you start playing piano?
嗯 我真是越来越喜欢你了呢 好 你什么时候开始弹钢琴的?
I started piano when I was seven. At the start, I didn't practice a lot.
七岁的时候 一开始我不怎么练习
And so by watching-- there was a girl a few years ago called Emily Bear--
看到 几年前有个叫艾米丽·贝尔的女孩
On the show? Yeah. Yeah, and she's unbelievable.
在这个节目上?对 嗯 她太厉害了
And she was the one who inspired me to want to be good,
so technically, you changed my life, and now I'm here.
所以其实 你改变了我的生活 现在我来了
Well, Emily changed your life.
嗯 艾米丽改变了你的生活
She's amazing, and she's doing very well right now, too. Yeah. All right.
她超棒 她现在也过得很好 嗯 没错
So I know it was a goal to play on the show, but-- And also a goal to take a sip of this.
所以在这个节目上表演是你的目标 还有喝一口这个
And to take a sip of the water. All right, well, since your goal was to perform on the show,
还有喝一口水 好 既然你的目标是在节目上表演
have one more sip of your water if you care to.
And then you're going to perform on the show. OK, cool.
那你就在节目上表演吧 好 酷
Thank you so much! OK. I'll see you over there.
谢谢您 好 过去吧
Dear Ellen, this may be pointless, but perhaps you'll see this.
亲爱的艾伦 这可能毫无意义 但或许你会看到
I know you get a lot of these, but give my song a listen please.
我知道很多人为你写歌 但请听一下我为你写的
I'm not here for 12 days.You gave me 15 reasons.
我不为12 days而来 但你就是我的15个理由
My point, and I do have one, is I watch every season.
我想说 我每一季节目都看
Hey, Ellen. God is second because I've got something to say.
嘿 艾伦 上帝排第二 因为我有话想说
You're my idol. You'd make my dream come true if I can meet you.
你是我的偶像 若能见到你我就梦想成真
I'll bow down to your crew.They nearly make me laugh as much as you do.
我想向你的员工深鞠一躬 他们让我和你一样开心
So, Jeannie, if you showed up at my door, I'd sing, today's the day I've been waiting for.
所以 珍妮 若你出现在我家门口 我想唱 今天就是我期待的日子
The funny thing is I'd probably cry, because I just want a check from Shutterfly.
有趣的是我可能会哭 因为我想要Shutterfly送我一张支票
Seriously, I'm kidding. Hey, Ellen. God is second because I've got something to say.
其实 开玩笑的啦 嘿 艾伦 上帝排第二 因为我有话想说
You're my idol. You'd make my dream come true if I can meet you.
你是我的偶像 若能见到你我就梦想成真
You taught me to just keep swimming.
Hey, Ellen. God is second because I've got something to say. You're my idol.
嘿 艾伦 上帝排第二 因为我有话想说 你是我的偶像
You'd make my dream come true if I can meet you.
You're the daily reminder to be kind to one another.
All right! You did that. Thank you! You did that. Thank you.
好!你做到了 谢谢!你做到了 谢谢
All right, so I wanted to give you the things that you wanted.
好 我要给你你想要的东西
So I can't give you a palm tree, because like you said, they're very tall, OK?
我不能给你棵棕榈树 你知道 它们太高了 好吧
But I do have a couple of things for you.
I have the pink drink from Starbucks. Thank you. Thank you so much.
我给你准备了星巴克的粉色饮料 谢谢 太感谢你啦
It's very cold. It's fresh, obviously.
很冰 明显是刚做出来的
And then I have-- this is the lip stuff that you wanted, right?
还有 这就是你想要的润唇膏 对吧
Yeah. All right. It's a lot of it. Put that down. It's probably heavy. Thank you.
是 对的 好多啊 把那个放下 可能有点重 谢谢
Also, in your song, you asked for a check from Shutterfly, and they like to give people what they ask for.
还有 你在歌里面写道想要Shutterfly的支票 他们就喜欢送人所需
So you're getting a check for $10,000 to pay for college.
所以Shutterfly给你一张10000美元的支票 资助你上大学
You got a giant check from Shutterfly!
