Hello, this is BBC News, the latest headlines.
大家好,这里是BBC世界新闻,最新头条 。
The African Union has said the takeover of power by Zimbabwe's army and detention of President Robert Mugabe seems like a coup.
非洲联盟称津巴布韦军队掌权及罗伯特·穆加贝总统的扣留像是一场政变 。
Many Zimbabweans have grudgingly welcomed the move and there have been no reports of serious violence.
很多津巴布韦人极不情愿地欢迎这一举动,目前还没有严重暴力事件报道 。
Mr. Mugabe's wife Grace who was bidding to succeed him as president is reported to have fled to Namibia.
穆加贝总统的妻子格蕾丝最有可能接替他成为总统,但据报道,她已逃往纳米比亚 。
50,000 children under the age of five are expected to die in Yemen this year.
预计也门今年会有50000名五岁以下的孩童死亡 。
That's according to the charity Save the Children.
此数据源于“拯救儿童”基金会 。
The Saudi-led Coalition has been asked by the UN to lift its blockade of Yemen's seaports immediately so vital food aid can get in.
联合国敦促沙特领导的联盟立即取消封锁也门海港,让重要的食物援助得以通行 。
And a painting by Leonardo da Vinci has sold at auction in New York for 400 million dollars.
莱昂纳多·达·芬奇的一幅画在纽约拍卖会上以4亿美元的价格拍出 。
That's the highest price ever paid for a work of art.
这是艺术品有史以来所卖的最高价格 。