Welcome to English in a Minute!
A cucumber is a long, green fruit that is usually eaten raw.
黄瓜是一种长的绿色果实,通常是生吃的 。
Why are Anna and Jonathan talking about the temperature of produce?
Cool as a cucumber
Did you watch the basketball game last night? I did.
你看了昨晚的篮球比赛了吗?看了 。
I could not believe that player made a basket at the very last minute and WON the championship.
我简直不能相信那个运动员在最后一刻投篮得分,赢得了冠军 。
Talk about pressure! But he stayed cool. Cool as a cucumber!
压力肯定很大!但他依然保持冷静 。镇定自若!
Cucumbers are naturally cool fruits,which is where this expression comes from.
黄瓜是天然的清凉水果,这个表达正源于此 。
“Cool as a cucumber” describes someone who is laid-back or who performs really well when the pressure is on.
“镇定自若”用于描述闲散的人,或表现很好的人,通常在压力到来的情况下 。
And that’s English in a Minute!