日期:2017-11-13 10:05



When one thinks about deep hope, what one thinks about first is avoiding superficial hopes like,
说到希望时 人们首先会想到的就是要避免肤浅的希望 比如
“I hope that my Domino’s pizza will arrive on time,” or even the ambitious hopes, “I hope that my career is successful.”
“真希望我的多米诺披萨能按时送到”或者有雄心的希望 “希望我事业有成”
These things portend to a future realizable desire. And they situate that desire as probable.
这些是在未来可能实现的愿望 但它只是可能而已
When we think about deep hope we’re thinking about something that’s not linked to a desire, to the future, to an ambition or to probability.
We’re thinking about a relationship to the present in a particular kind of discipline as one faces the present.
Because when one faces the present one realizes things like: 'Life is short.
因为人们面对现在时 会意识到:人生苦短




Even though I’d like to live long I have no idea whether or not I will.
即便我想长命百岁 也不一定就能实现
My friends, my animals are all in very contingent relationships to life itself, and to me, in that we walk not on concrete but in quicksand.'
对生活、对我而言 我的朋友们、宠物们随时都有可能遭遇不测 也就是天有不测风云
So when you face those real facts about what life is and you say, “How do I relate to these facts?”
当你意识到生活的真实面貌时 你会想“我要怎么与这些事实和谐相处呢?”
The answer, I think, that comes out of the work I study, is that one faces these facts with a deep hope that is not an aspiration, it’s not a probability, it’s not a future orientation.
根据我的研究 我认为答案就是人们带着真正的希望来面对这些事实 但这种希望不是抱负 不是一种可能性 也不是未来的导向
It’s a grounded-ness in the present facts of existence.
Unfortunately our culture has emphasized the trivial hopes because those are hopes that link to markets and to achievements, which are always sort of market-linked,
不幸的是 我们的文化强调一些不重要的希望 因为这些希望与市场或市场业绩有关
because markets are about growth, they’re about ambition, they’re about accomplishment, they’re about expansion.
因为市场就意味着增长 意味着抱负、成就和扩张
So therefore, our culture really generates a propensity to trivial and superficial hopes, right?
所以 我们的文化真是喜欢催生不重要的、肤浅的希望 对吧?
It counters and has made a deep hope, kind of—we’re famished when it comes to deep hope.
这与真正的希望相抵制 并让我们在谈到希望的时候如饥似渴
There’s a sort of anorexia when it comes to deep hope.
We've massaged and accentuated this idea of ourselves as consumers, as participants in the market that venerates instant gratification and the satisfaction of our desires in immediate kinds of ways.
市场奉行即时满足和立即满足人的欲望 我们在作为的市场的消费者、参与者的时候接收到了这种信息并被强化
To generate the deep hope, the kind of hope that I think comes out of the traditions I study, one has to really slow down and face a different set of facts.
为了产生真实的希望 那种出自我所研究的传统的希望 人们一定要慢下来 面对另一种现实
And those facts are about the fundamentals of the experience of life. That is to say, life is tragic.
这些现实是体验生活的基础 也就是说 生活是个悲剧
One’s promises will never be completely fulfilled and one’s desires can never ultimately be met. That is just what life is.
承诺绝无完全实现时 欲望也绝无完全满足时 这就是生活
So how do we cultivate a deep hope in the face of a culture which wants to accentuate instant gratification and overstimulation?
所以在一个强调即时满足和过度刺激的文化中 我们怎样才能产生真正的希望呢?
Well I say it requires us to take some steps back. To step out of the market culture.
我觉得这就需要我们后退一步 退出市场的文化氛围
To step away from the interests of global capital which are about accomplishment, achievement, expansion and growth,
and to do more work around a sense of quietude,
do more interior work and do more work in communities that affirm togetherness in a collective sense of what can go on outside of markets.
向内探索 多去了解人 这能让你确认在市场之外还可以产生一种集体的凝聚感
So things like gentleness and compassion.
There’s marvelous work that’s being done in schools and community centers and in art workshops, artist workshops,
where people come together and engage in—they don’t talk about hope, they just sort of quietly face the present with a sense of being there.
那里的人们团结一致 他们不谈希望 他们只是全身心地投入到现在
Deep hope comes from a rich engagement in those kinds of rooted tasks, that kind of groundedness that we get from community and collectives and relationships
真正的希望源自对这些根深蒂固的任务的全心投入 源自我们从社区、集体和关系中获得的根性
that have little to do with market values but are more about a more organic connectedness and fundamental linkages with the true facts of life and one another.
这与市场价值无关 而是一种有机的连通性和与现实生活之间的根本联系

  • compassionn. 同情,怜悯
  • gratificationn. 满足,喜悦
  • superficialadj. 表面的,肤浅的
  • affirmvt. 证实,断言,肯定 vi. 断言,申明
  • orientationn. 信仰,趋向,定位,适应,情况介绍 [计算机] 定向
  • cultivatevt. 培养,耕作,栽培,结交(朋友), 促进增长,教养
  • fundamentaladj. 基本的,根本的,重要的 n. 基本原理,基础
  • organicadj. 器官的,有机的,根本的,接近自然的 n. 有机
  • propensityn. 倾向,习性
  • contingentadj. 可能性,经验主义的,不可预知的,附带的 n.