日期:2017-11-09 05:18



I want to talk about something actually serious, right now, today.
今天我想聊点比较严肃的事 现在
If you're on any kind of social media, I'm sure you've seen the hashtag #MeToo.
如果你使用任何社交媒体 那你肯定见过“我也是”的标签
Everybody has seen #MeToo, right? OK, it was started by actress Alyssa Milano.
大家都见过“我也是”了 对吧?好 这是由艾丽莎·米兰诺发起的
She tweeted out, "If all women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote, "Me too" as a status,
we might give people a sense of magnitude of the problem.
So, millions of people have come out posting #MeToo.




I applaud them all. I think it's brave and I think it's important to speak out and not by shame by anyone.
我为她们鼓掌 这很勇敢 把它说出来很重要 不需要羞愧
It is not always easy, but we have to do that. And that's why I posted, and I will say it right now out loud, me too.
这做起来并不是那么容易 但我们必须要做 所以我也发布了 我现在还要大声说出来“我也是”
This is not a male thing or a female thing. It is not a Hollywood thing or a political thing.
这并不是男性或女性的问题 不是好莱坞事件也不是政治事件
This is a human thing. And it happens in the workplace, it happens in families, it happens all over the world.
这事关乎人性 办公场所、家庭、世界任何地方都可能发生
And we are all the same. We all want the same thing. We want respect, and love, and kindness.
我们都一样 我们想要同样的东西 我们想要尊重、爱和善良
And if I could have those three things, and a new iPhone 10, I would be complete. All I ask for.
如果我能拥有这三样东西 再来一个全新的苹果10 我的人生就无憾了 这就是我所有的愿望
Part of the problem is that from a young age, girls are taught to stay quiet and be nice.
问题是很小的时候 人们就告诉女孩要保持沉默 心怀善良
And that boys are stronger and somehow we are less than. That is why it is hard for us to speak out.
男孩天生更强壮 而我们就虚弱一些 正是这些让我们难以启齿
And even when we do speak out, people don't believe us. But there is power in numbers.
即便我们说出来了 人们也不信 但人多力量大
And good for us, good for everyone speaking out. I want to say thank you for everybody for speaking out.
大胆说出来对我们、对所有人都好 我想谢谢那些勇敢说出真相的人们
Women-- women and even some men are sharing their stories on Facebook and Twitter, some of them for the first time.
女性、女性甚至有些男性都在脸书和推特上分享他们的故事 有些人是第一次这么做
And people are "liking" or "thumbs upping" or "hearting" the post.
And it's hard to know which is the right response. Is it a crying face emoji because I'm sad that that happened to you?
很难说哪种反应是正确的 是该发一个哭脸因为我很抱歉你身上发生了这样的事情?
Or is it a smiley face to say good for you for speaking out? I'm not sure about the etiquette.
But, I do know that hell hath no fury like a woman with a Twitter account.
So, you have to be careful about what you tweet.
Because if you see a tweet that says I can't wait to see the new Star Wars movie and then you respond "me too," it means something completely different now.
如果你看到一篇推文说“我迫不及待想看《星球大战》新电影” 你回应道“me too(我也是)” 现在这个词有完全不一样的含义
So, you're going to have to find another way to say "I also," or "me as well," or "ditto," or "samsies," or something like that.
你得用另一种方式去说 “I also”或“me as well”或“ditto”或“samsies”之类的
And if you really do want to see the Star Wars movie, and you've been sexually harassed, you can respond me too #MeToo, you know.
如果你真的想看《星球大战》电影 而你也被性骚扰过 那你就得说“me too #MeToo”了
It is fantastic that everyone's posting the hashtag and also taking some time to share the stories.
大家都发了这个标签 也花了点时间去分享自己的故事 这很棒
And as hard as this is to talk about, at least we are talking about it. It's not like this is a new thing.
尽管这很难开口 但至少我们已经开始说出来了 这并不是什么新鲜事
It has been going on forever. And thanks to being connected to social media we can see it for what it is and that we are not alone.
这种事情一直都有发生 感谢社交媒体 能让我们正视这件事 并且让我们知道自己并不孤单
And hopefully conversations that we're having now will free all of us.
If you're a parent, we can break the cycle. And teach our little girls and our little boys that girls should be strong, boys should be kind.
如果你是一名家长 我们要打破这个循环 教会我们的儿女 女孩应该强大 男孩应当善良
