Four types of narcissism.
自恋的四种类型 。
Narcissism and vanity are often considered mirror images of each other.
自恋和虚荣心通常被认为是彼此的镜像 。
We think of both as being enamored with our own beauty image and self-centered attitudes.
我们认为两者都是对自己本体美貌和自我为中心的态度的迷恋 。
This, however, is a shallow representation of what Narcissism really is.
然而,这仅是对自恋真实样貌的表层描述 。
Narcissism is a spectrum. On one side, you have self assurance and confidence, which make for a happy and healthy personality.
自恋是一种余像 。一方面,你非常自信,自信让你拥有快乐健康的人格 。
On the other side, you have Narcissistic Personality Disorder which is self-centered, non empathetic, and emotionally draining to be around.
另一方面,你有自恋型人格障碍,这使你以自我为中心、不善解人意还会在情感上榨干你周围的人 。
Narcissism and vanity are somewhere in the middle.
自恋和虚荣心就处于这两点之间 。
They're not healthy, but they're not as damaging as NPD.
它们不利于身心健康,但也不像自恋型人格障碍一样具有破坏性 。
NPD can only be diagnosed by a professional, and isn't something you can develop or catch.
NPD只能过通过专业人士进行鉴定,是一种你无法控制或抓住的东西 。
The seed of Narcissism is usually planted in childhood.
自恋的种子通常在童年时期就开始埋种 。
Differences in upbringing make for differences in Narcissism, and change which narcissistic traits people develop.
教养不同自恋的情况自然不同,人们所形成的自恋性人格特质也不同 。
What types of Narcissism are there? How does narcissism present itself? We're so glad you asked!
Narcissistic people can be either body oriented-- called the somatic narcissist--
or personality oriented --called the cerebral narcissist.
要么以人格为主导——被称为大脑自恋者 。
Somatic narcissists focus on looking better than everyone else.
肉体自恋者关注自己的长相比别人好看 。
They're the ones with the fancy clothes, perfect hair, and gym bodies.
他们通常会穿华美的衣服、留着完美的发型以及练就健身体格 。
Cerebral narcissists focus on things like being smarter or funnier than everyone else.
大脑自恋者关注自己比别人更聪明或有趣 。
They'll start debates in order to win them, and live off the praise fed to them from other people.
他们争辩就是为了胜利并依赖来自于别人对自己的赞扬 。
On top of this body/mind division, there are also four main ways narcissism can present itself.
除了身体/思想外,还有四种主要自恋类型 。
1: Overt Narcissism.
1. 显性自恋 。
Loud, outspoken, and always right. These narcissists tend to be bullies, and use their words to tear down the people around them.
说话大声、直言不讳以及自己总是对的 。这种类型的自恋者容易成为恃强凌弱者,并用语言诋毁周围的人 。
This is the most common presentation of narcissism.
这是自恋最常见的表现 。
2: Covert Narcissism.
2. 隐性自恋 。
Sneaky, like snakes in the grass. You might not even recognize this person as a narcissist.
就像草丛中的蛇一样鬼鬼祟祟 。你甚至都没有察觉这个人是一名自恋者 。
They pretend to be kind and gentle when in reality, they're manipulative and cold, feeding off the people closest to them.
现实中他们总是很和蔼友善,他们操纵别人、冷血并不断从亲近的人中截取索要 。
They use people as a means to an end: to gain money, power, fame, whatever they want.
他们利用人们作为到达某目的的工具:获取金钱、权利、名誉以及任何想要的 。
3: Seductive Narcissism.
3. 诱人自恋 。
We don't mean seductive like high heels and fishnets.
这里不是指高跟鞋和网眼袜 。
These narcissists tend to praise and idolize people close to them in order to get the same response back.
这类型的自恋者喜欢赞扬并崇拜周围的人,为的是从他们身上获得相同的回应 。
They suck people in with admiration and compliments, then drop you with no warning.
他们靠羡慕和赞扬吸引人们,然后毫无征兆的抛弃你 。
By playing hot and cold, they keep you on the hook and get their ego constantly fed.
通过对你忽冷忽热,他们会套住你获取自己的源源不断的自我 。
4: Vindictive Narcissism.
4. 报复性的自恋 。
These people aim, shoot and destroy.
这些人会找到目标、准备瞄准并进行摧毁 。
They're the most dangerous of all the narcissists, and might be confused with the overt narcissists because of how outspoken they are.
他们是所有自恋类型中最危险的一种,因为他们的直言不讳容易与显性自恋想混淆 。
Be warned. These people will do and say anything to destroy their victims and
要注意啦 。这类型的人会做任何事、说任何话以摧毁他们的受害者并且
often will trash talk and incite anger and other third parties to turn more people against their victim.
他们经常会说废话激怒别人并联手第三方更多的人攻击他们的受害者 。
Worrying you might be a narcissist? Don't. While you might present traits of narcissism,
担心自己可能是一名自恋者?别担心 。你可能有以上几点特征,
you're likely somewhere in the middle, non-dangerous portion of the spectrum.
但你有可能只是处于这个余像中的某个非危险部分 。
And if you're really worried, talk to your mental health professional about a possible diagnosis.
如果你真的担心,就和自己的心理健康专业人士约谈诊断 。
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