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Sleeping and dreaming is something we all do
and most of us quite enjoy getting back to bed after a long day of work or school
but what happens within our brain when we are in the land of dreams?
One, dreaming generally happens during the rapid-eye movement stage of sleep also known as REM.
1. 梦境通常发生在睡眠的快速眼动阶段,也被称为REM 。
Only about 10% or less of dreams happen outside the REM stage.
仅有约10%或更少的梦境发生在REM阶段以外的阶段 。
Two, dreaming is probably more important than you think.
2. 梦境可能比你想的重要 。
In a study by Dement, participants were deprived of dreaming during their normal sleep cycles
as they were woken up each time they entered REM sleep.
即在他们每次进入REM睡眠阶段时,就把他们叫醒 。
As a result, the participants became more anxious or irritable and had trouble concentrating while they were awake.
结果,当这些参与者醒来时变得更加焦虑易怒并出现无法集中注意力的情况 。
It seemed like a certain drive to dream built up inside of them,
the more they were deprived of it,
their mind attempts to dream increased as a study progressed.
他们想要做梦的意志就会不断增加 。
During the recovery period when the participants were allowed to sleep during the REM stage,
there was a higher than average percentage of dream time
and an increase in total dream time.
总体梦境时间也增加了 。
Three, babies spend up to 50% of their sleep in REM stage, while adults only spend about 20% in REM stage.
3. 婴儿50%的睡眠时间都处于REM阶段,而成年人的REM阶段仅占20%
Four, if you're woken during the REM stage, you are more likely to remember your dreams.
4. 如果你在REM阶段醒来,你可能会记得自己的梦境 。
In another study by Dement en Kleitman, when participants were woken during the REM stage
在另一项Dement en Kleitman的研究中,当参与者在REM阶段醒来时
they were able to remember dreams more often and also judged the length of their dreams with high accuracy.
他们更能够记住自己的梦境,还能够高度精准的判断出梦境的长度 。
On the other hand, they remembered dreams much less often if they were woken at other times.
另一方面,如果他们在睡眠的其他阶段醒来,他们则通常更难以记住自己的梦境 。
Five, the eye movements to make during the REM sleep are related to the visual imagery of your dreams.
5. REM睡眠的眼球运动和你梦境中的视觉表象有关 。
Six, drug withdrawal as well as recently quitting drinking or smoking can cause more intense dreams.
6. 药物停用以及近期的戒酒戒烟可以导致更加强烈的梦境 。
Seven, blind people can dream too.
7.盲人也会做梦 。
If they were born blind, they'll have auditory or sensory dreams.
如果他们是天生失明,他们会有听觉或感觉梦境 。
If they became blind at a later stage in life, they are able to dream of things they remember.
如果他们是在人生的后阶段失明,他们会梦到一些他们记忆之中的东西 。
Eight, in ancient Rome, people would submit their significant or unusual dreams to the Senate for interpretation.
8. 在古罗马,人们会将自己重要或不寻常的梦境报告给参议院解读 。
Nine, dream interpretation theories have been around for thousands of years.
9. 梦境解读理论已有千年历史 。
The Chester Beatty Papyrus is a record of Egyptian dream interpretations from around 1850 BCE.
《贝蒂新约蒲草抄本》是一本有关1850BCE左右起记录埃及梦境解读的书 。
Ten, people who grew up watching black-and-white television
10. 看黑白电视长大的人
are more likely to dream in black and white than those who grew up with color television.
比那些看彩色电视长大的人更容易梦见黑白 。
Eleven, you might have heard of people having 'falling' dreams, you might even have had one yourself.
11. 你可能听到有人做过‘坠落’的梦,你可能也做过 。
These often have been during the earlier stages of sleep and can be followed up by the feeling of jerking awake,
these muscle spasms are called myoclonic jerks.
这种肌肉痉挛被称为肌抽跃 。
Twelve, your environment can affect your dreams.
12. 你的环境可以影响你的梦境 。
while you sleep, your brain will sometimes incorporate sounds or other stimuli from your surroundings into your dream.
当你做梦时,你的大脑有时会将你周围的一些声音或其他刺激因素吸入梦境中 。
If someone next door is playing music, you might dream of being on a concert or
if you hear running tap water, you might dream that you're swimming.
如果你听到水龙头的流水声,你可能会梦见自己在游泳 。
So what do you think about these effects? Have you ever experienced them while sleeping in your dreaming?
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