In the day's other news: Former President George W. Bush warned today of a slide toward bigotry and isolation in President Trump's America.
其他方面,前总统小布什警告称特朗普领导下的美国正在向偏执和孤立倾斜 。
Mr. Bush spoke in New York City. He did not directly name the president, but warned that the nation is losing its identity.
小布什在纽约发表讲话,他没有指名道姓,但警告称美国正在丢失自己的“身份” 。
Bigotry seems emboldened. Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication.
偏执在不断受到鼓励,我们的政治体制似乎更容易受到阴谋论和彻头彻尾的捏造影响 。
We have seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty.
随意的残酷行为让我们的话语相形见绌 。
At times, it can seem like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together.
离心的强大力量有时要大于团结一心的力量 。
The speech echoed the words of Republican Senator John McCain earlier this week.
此番演讲与本周早间共和党参议员约翰·麦凯恩的态度不谋而合 。
He urged the rejection of what he called spurious nationalism.
他敦促美国要改变目前虚假的民族主义风气 。
Russian President Vladimir Putin defended President Trump today.
俄罗斯总统普京为特朗普站台 。
At a foreign policy forum, Putin complained of what he called a "lack of respect" for Mr. Trump.
在某外交政策论坛上,普京称此番言论是对特朗普的不尊重 。
He said it is "a deplorable element" of the U.S. political system.
他称这是美国政治体制中的糟糕的一面 。
Taliban fighters nearly wiped out an army base in Afghanistan today, killing at least 43 soldiers.
塔利班几乎荡平了某阿富汗军事基地,至少43名士兵阵亡 。
Attacks elsewhere killed 13 more troops and police.
其它地区也发生袭击事件,超13名士兵和警察遇难 。
The attack on the army camp was in Kandahar Province and began with two suicide car bombs and lasted for hours.
此次针对军营的袭击发生在坎大哈省,塔利班发动了两次自杀式汽车炸弹袭击,袭击持续了数小时之久 。
The enemies of our country attacked one of our camps in Maiwand district. In total, there were 60 personnel in that camp.
我们的敌人袭击了我军驻迈万德地区军营,该军营总共有60名军方人员 。
All the vehicles and equipment have been destroyed. We have the corp commander in the camp to investigate the incident.
所有车辆和设备遭损毁,营区军长将调查此次事件 。
Two days ago, another wave of Taliban attacks targeted police compounds and government facilities, killing at least 74.
两天前,有一股塔利班势力袭击了警署和政府大楼,造成至少74人遇难 。