Mr. Trump voiced confidence today that U.S. options for dealing with North Korea are "both effective and overwhelming."
总统特朗普今天表示,美国在处理朝鲜问题上的方式方法非常奏效,且极具震慑力,他对此信心满满 。
He spoke after the North Koreans launched another ballistic missile over Northern Japan.
而就在此前,朝鲜导弹再次飞跃日本北部上空 。
At the White House, the president's national security adviser, H.R. McMaster,
called for rigorous enforcement of sanctions to cripple the north's economy.
我们要对朝鲜实施强有力的制裁措施 。
What's different about this approach is that we're out of time.
采取这种方法的不同之处在于我们没时间了 。
We have been kicking the can down the road. And we're out of road.
我们一直在采取拖延政策,但现在我们已经无路可退了 。
And so for those who have said and been commenting about the lack of a military option, there is a military option.
对于那些说我们不会采取军事行动的人,我们是可以这么做的 。
Now, it's not what we would prefer to do.
但现在我们不愿意付诸武力 。
So, what we have to do is call on all nations, call on everyone to do everything we can to address this global problem, short of war.
我们要做的是呼吁所有国家,所有人来解决这一全球问题,而不是采取军事行动 。
The North's latest missile flight covered 2,300 miles.
此次导弹飞行距离为2300英里 。
That would be far enough to reach the U.S. territory of Guam.
这一距离足以覆盖关岛 。
This afternoon, the U.N. Security Council condemned the launch.
今天下午,联合国安理会对此也表示谴责 。
A judge in Saint Louis has acquitted a white former police officer, Jason Stockley, in a fatal shooting.
圣路易斯法院判决杰森·斯托克利无罪,斯托克利曾是一名白人警察,他涉嫌一起枪击案 。
He was charged in the killing of a black man, Anthony Lamar Smith, after a high-speed chase in 2011.
2011年,在一场大追捕中斯托克利枪杀了黑人安东尼·史密斯 。
After today's verdict, hundreds of protesters marched, most of them peacefully.
判决结束以后,数百名抗议人士走上街头,多数人为和平抗议 。
A small group confronted police, and got pepper-sprayed.
有少数民众对抗警方,警方向他们喷射了胡椒粉 。