Voice 3: Goal seven: to care for the environment.
声音3:目标七:爱护环境 。
Voice 4: People are trying to use different kinds of energy supplies. But worldwide pollution is increasing. Also, more people are moving to cities to find work. This leads to over-crowding and fewer resources for more people.
声音4:人们在尽量使用不同种类的能源供应 。但是全球范围的污染问题却日益严重 。另外,去城市里找工作的人越来越多 。这导致过度拥挤,而且人越来越多但资源却越来越少 。
Voice 3: Goal eight: to encourage countries to work together for global economic development.
声音3:目标八:鼓励各国在全球经济发展上团结合作 。
Voice 4: Richer countries are giving less aid to developing countries. And there are fewer jobs for young people.
声音4:富有国家减少了对发展中国家的援助 。年轻人的就业机会越来越少 。
Voice 2: The general opinion seems to be that there has been some progress towards reaching the goals. But the richer nations need to be true to their promises. This is the only way that real change will happen. And pressure groups around the world agree. Many of them have united to voice their concern. They believe that change can happen. And they have the job of helping governments to remember their promises.
声音2:看起来普遍看法认为,在实现千年发展目标方面取得了一定的进展 。但是,富有国家需要恪守诺言 。这是唯一可以发生真正变革的方法 。全世界的压力集团都同意这种说法 。许多压力集团联合起来表达他们的担心 。他们认为,改变可以发生 。而且他们还展开了帮助各国政府记住其承诺的工作 。