日期:2017-10-14 18:12



Hi guys. I'm Alex.Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this lesson on five phrasal verbs with "get".
If you are watching this, you know that phrasal verbs are one of the most difficult things to master in English because they often have an idiomatic meaning.
So today, we're going to look at five of them, and they all have "get" in some way.
No. 1 is "get up". If you've been studying for a while, you might be familiar with this verb.
第一个是"get up",如果你学过一阵子的话,你应该对这个很熟悉。
"I got up late today." What do you think this means, "I got up late today"?
"I got up late today."你觉得这句话什么意思?
Right. It means "to rise from your bed", right?"To get up" is "to rise from bed". And not only from bed.
意思就是“起床”,对吧?"To get up"就是说从床上起来,当然也不仅仅是床。


You can get up from any position where you are lying down.So, to "rise from bed", or really any lying position.
Okay. You can also get up from a chair as well, if you're sitting.That is the meaning of "get up".
当然如果你是坐着的话,就是从椅子上起来。这就是"get up"的含义。
You can ask your friend, "Hey, what time did you get up today?" "I got up at 7 a. m. or at 6 a. m.", whatever it is.
Okay, No. 2, we have "get along", and this can be by itself, or you can add "with".
第二个,"get along",也可以加"with"。
You can "get along with" a person, "with" someone. Sorry about that.
你可以"get along with"某人。
For example, "My sister gets along with everybody".What do you think the meaning of this is?
比如说,"My sister gets along with everybody".你觉得这句话什么意思?
Okay. Do you think she has a good relationship, or do you think she has a bad relationship?
Well, the meaning is she has a good relationship with everybody.
So to "get along" or to "get along with" someone is to have a good relationship with -- I'm just going to put "S/O" for "someone". Okay.
所以"get along"或者"get along with"就是说与某人保持良好关系,这里我用"S/O"表示某人。
For example, if you "get along" with -- well, of course, you "get along with" your friends.
比如说,你可以"get along with"你的朋友。
You can get along with anybody -- I mean anybody that you know in your life.
可以"get along with"你生活中任何一个人。
If you have a good relationship with them, you can say, "Yeah we get along".
如果你跟他们关系很好,你就可以说"Yeah we get along"。
The negative is, "I don't get along with" that person, or "we don't get along".
关系不好就是"I don't get along with"那个人,或者"we don't get along"。
So you can say, "We don't get along", or "We get along".
所以你可以说"We don't get along",也可以说"We get along"。
Or if you want to add "with": "Yeah, I get along with her", or "I get along with him", or "we don't get along together", as well. Okay.No. 3, we have "get ahead". All right.
或者你可以加一个"with","Yeah, I get along with her","I get along with him",或者"we don't get along together"。第三个,"get ahead"。
Example: "If you want to get ahead, work hard." "You have to work hard if you want to get ahead."
例句:"If you want to get ahead, work hard."
If you look at the context of this sentence, you might be able to figure out the meaning, and in this situation, "get ahead" means "to succeed" or "make progress".
如果你看这个句子的字面意思,你可能就理解了,这句话里面的"get ahead"就是成功或者进步的意思。
So if you work in a company, and you are "getting ahead" in the company, it means that you started at the bottom, and you're working your way up, up, up, the ladder.
如果你在公司上班的话,你"getting ahead"就是说你从底层一步一步向上爬,像爬梯子一样。
Then you are "getting ahead" in the company.
你就是在公司里面"getting ahead"。
You can "get ahead" in life even. Make progress. Succeed at something. Get further than other people, for example.
你也可以在生活中"get ahead",进步,成功。
Next, we have "get by"."Can you get by without your cell phone?"
下一个,"get by"。"Can you get by without your cell phone?"
If you look at the context of this sentence, can you identify the meaning? Okay.It means "to survive".
Okay. If I ask you, "Can you get by without your cell phone?", basically I am asking you if you can survive without your cell phone.
如果我问你,"Can you get by without your cell phone?" 意思就是我问你没有手机还能不能活。
If I ask you, "How do you get by without the Internet?" "How do you get by without your cell phone?" Or, "How do you get by without Facebook?"
如果我问你"How do you get by without the Internet?" "How do you get by without your cell phone?" 或者"How do you get by without Facebook?"
How do you survive without these things that are wonderful in the modern world? So how do you survive. Okay.
I can also ask you, "Do you think you could get by with only $20 for one week?" If that's possible, right?
Okay. Finally, we have a pretty simple one, I think.And that is "get together".
好了,最后一个,很简单。"Get together".
When two people get together, it means that -- well, let's look at the sentence first.
两个人"get together",意思是……我们先来看看句子。
"We are getting together for coffee later". Get together.Okay. This means "we are meeting", "to meet". Okay.
"We are getting together for coffee later"意思是说,我们会见面。
When you get together with your friends, you are meeting your friends in one location, in one place.
"Get together" can also have another meaning when you are talking about two people who are dating; who are seeing each other.And that means the first time they met.
"Get together"也可以说两个正在约会的人。这是说他们第一次见面。
For example, if I ask you, "When did you and your wife, or when did you and you husband, or when did you and your boyfriend or girlfriend get together?"
比如说,我问你,"When did you and your wife, or when did you and you husband, or when did you and your boyfriend or girlfriend get together?"
This means, "When did you meet for the first time?" Okay.So it can also just mean "to meet".I can say, "Let's get together later".
All right, guys. To review, we have "get up", which is to get up from your bed, to rise from a lying position or a sitting position.
好了,复习一下,"get up"是说起床,或者从你躺着或坐的地方起来。
We have to "get along" with someone, which is to have a good relationship.
"Get along",与某人有良好的关系。
To "get ahead": this means to succeed or to make progress in some aspect of your life.To "get by" is to survive, you know.
"Get ahead",进步,或者取得成功。"Get by",活下来。
If I ask you, again, "How are you doing?" "I am getting by." I am surviving. Not doing great, but I'm living. I'm surviving.And No. 5, "get together": to meet.
如果我问你“过得怎么样?”“凑凑合合。”就是说还活着,不怎么好,但是还活着。第五个,"get together",见面。
All right, guys. If you'd like to test your understanding of this material, you can check out the quiz on www. engvid.com, as always.So good luck, and take care.

  • laddern. 梯子,阶梯,梯状物 n. (袜子)抽丝 v.
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • idiomaticadj. 地道的,成语的,符合语言习惯的
  • negativeadj. 否定的,负的,消极的 n. 底片,负数,否定
  • survivevt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过 vi.
  • identifyvt. 识别,认明,鉴定 vi. 认同,感同身受
  • contextn. 上下文,环境,背景
  • celln. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,