Squeaks here loves learning about volcanoes.
吱吱喜欢了解火山的知识 。
It's so cool when huge mountains erupt with waves of lava and clouds of ash!
But did you know there are other things that erupt that aren't volcanoes?
They're called geysers, and instead of spewing out lava and ash, they erupt with a big spout of water and steam!
This is Old Faithful, one of the most famous geysers in the world.
这是老忠实泉,世界上最著名的间歇泉之一 。
It's in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, and thousands of people come to see it erupt every year.
它位于怀俄明州的黄石国家公园,每年都有成千上万的人前来观看 。
When a geyser like Old Faithful erupts, it creates an amazing display of water shooting into the sky.
当一个老忠实泉这样的间歇泉喷发时,它创造了一场水射向天空的惊人表演 。
But Old Faithful is extra special because it erupts on a set schedule!
但老忠实泉的特殊之处在于它定期喷发 。
A lot of geysers only erupt once in a while, and it's hard to know when it's going to happen.
许多间歇泉只是偶尔喷发一次,我们很难知道它什么时候会喷发 。
But Old Faithful erupts about every hour and a half,
sending thousands of liters of boiling-hot water flying up into the air.
数千升的沸水喷向空中 。
Well Squeaks, it doesn't exactly work like a sprinkler.
吱吱,这和洒水车的工作原理不完全一样 。
The water that erupts from geysers is so incredibly hot that you can't touch it without getting burned.
间歇泉喷出的水超级热,你碰了就会烫伤 。
In fact, all of that water needs to be really hot in order to shoot out of the ground in the first place.
事实上,起初所有的水都需要非常热,才能冲出地面 。
Geysers form in special places where there are big pools of water underground, called reservoirs.
Normally, the water in a reservoir is very cold,
正常情况下,蓄水池的水非常凉 。
and there's a thick layer of rock that separates it from the magma inside the Earth.
有厚厚的岩层将它与地球内部的岩浆分离开来 。
Magma is basically rock that's melted into liquid, and it's super hot, much hotter than the water in the reservoir.
岩浆基本上是熔化为液体的岩石,它超级热,比蓄水池的水热很多 。
In most places, the rock layer in between the magma and the water is thick enough to keep the magma's heat from reaching the water.
在大多数地方,岩浆和水之间的岩层非常厚,使岩浆的热量无法到达水中 。
But in some areas, the rock layer is thin enough that the heat from the magma can get to the water.
但在某些地区,岩层足够薄,岩浆的热量可以到达水中 。
And when you have something very hot near water, the water heats up and boils, just like it does in a pot on your stove.
当水附近有很热的东西时,就会变热沸腾,就像炉子上锅里的水一样 。
Now, there's something that's different between a pot of cool, calm water and a pot of boiling hot water, other than the bubbles.
除了气泡,一壶凉水和一壶沸水之间有些不同 。
What do you think it is?
That's right, Squeaks! Boiling water moves around a lot.
吱吱,你说对了 。沸水四处流动 。
That's because when water is boiling, it has a lot of energy from all of that heat,
which makes it move around and bubble.
这使它四处流动并冒泡 。
But when the water in a reservoir boils, there isn't much room in there for it to move around!
So, the boiling water rises up to the top of the reservoir pool,
and it finds any cracks in the top of the reservoir.
寻找它上面的任何裂缝 。
Then, a bunch of things happen very quickly:
The boiling water races through the crack in the reservoir ceiling,
and as huge amounts of hot water flow into that small space, it moves faster and faster.
随着大量的水流入这个小空间,它流得越来越快 。
The water moves so fast that when it finally reaches the Earth's surface,
it shoots out of the top in a big spout, creating a geyser!
The water in the reservoir under the Old Faithful is almost always very hot, and every hour and a half or so,
there's enough boiling water to cause a huge eruption.
就会有足够的沸水形成一次大喷发 。
So, there are a lot of things that need to happen for a geyser to form:
there needs to be a reservoir, and magma, and extra-thin rock between them, and a crack for the water to flow through,
all at the right temperatures to cause an eruption.
所有这一切在适当的温度下才会形成喷发 。
And that only happens in five countries in the world!
世界上只有五个国家才有这种情况发生 。
Only the United States, Russia, Chile, New Zealand, and Iceland have geysers.
只有美国、俄罗斯、智利、新西兰和冰岛才有间歇泉 。
Geysers around the world can be very different, though.
不过,世界各地的间歇泉也各不相同 。
Some, like the Little Cub Geyser in Yellowstone, aren't very big.
比如,黄石公园里的小熊喷泉不是很大 。
The Little Cub is less than 2 meters high, or just about 5 feet tall, shorter than most grown-ups.
它的高度不到2米,或者只有5英尺高,比大多数成年人还低 。
Others, like the Steamboat Geyser, which is also in Yellowstone, can reach over 120 meters high, or 400 feet.
其他的如蒸气船间歇泉,也是在黄石公园,水高能有120多米,或400英尺 。
Lots of geysers, including Old Faithful and Steamboat, don't have other geysers around them.
许多包括老忠实泉和蒸气船间歇泉在内的间歇泉,周围没有其他的间歇泉 。
But there are some places that have lots of geysers all together.
但有些地方的间歇泉是一起的 。
That can happen where there are a bunch of cracks in the Earth's surface all close together,
so boiling water from a reservoir can erupt from lots of different geysers in one area.
因此,从一个蓄水池冒出的沸水才能从一个地方的许多不同间歇泉中喷发出来 。
Like in the Valley of Geysers in Russia!
It has almost a hundred geysers that have erupted over and over, creating really incredible sights!
You are right, Squeaks! Maybe we should go and visit Old Faithful!
It's not very far from where we live.
它离我们住的地方不是很远 。
Would you like to visit a geyser and see it erupt?
What other amazing landforms do you want to learn about?
Ask a grown-up to help you leave a comment below, or send us a message to kids@scishow.com.
找个大人在下方留言,或发邮件至kids@scishow.com 。
Thanks! We'll see you next time, here at the Fort.
感谢您的收看 。我们下期见,沃斯堡等你哦!