Oh, hey Squeaks, did you know that while you were asleep last night,
a volcano off the coast of Italy was wide awake?
The Stromboli volcano has been awake for at least the last 2,000 years!
斯特隆博利岛火山已经至少2000年持续喷发了 。
That means it's been erupting for longer than any other volcano.
也就是说,和别的火山相比,它喷发的时间更长 。
Stromboli's eruptions happen really often, practically non-stop!
斯特隆博利岛的火山喷发很频繁,基本上没停过 。
At night, its glowing light shows have reminded some people of a giant lighthouse.
在晚上,火山口发出的火光让人觉得它就是座巨型灯塔 。
That's a really good question! How does a volcano like Stromboli form in the first place?
Deep inside the Earth—and I'm talking waaaaay deeper than our fort goes—it's really hot.
在地球深处,我是说比我们的地下室还要深很多的地方,非常的热 。
It's so hot that the rock that makes up this layer of the earth is actually melted! It's called magma.
那里的热度能把组成地球的岩层都融化了,而那融化的岩石叫做岩浆 。
Now, sometimes magma can collect in a pocket just beneath Earth's surface,
and if the magma breaks through all the way to the surface and reaches the air, it's called lava.
但如果岩浆一路爆发,从地表喷出来接触到空气,就形成了熔岩 。
And now, my friends, you have a volcano on your hands.
朋友们,现在你手上就有个火山 。
Lava is bright red and very hot when it first erupts out of the ground.
熔岩一开始从地下喷出来的时候火红滚烫 。
But soon the lava cools down and creates a layer of rock.
但很快,它就冷却下来变成了一层岩石 。
Over time, many layers build up around the spot where the lava came out,
to form the mountain that many of us think of as a volcano.
它们堆积而成的山,也就是大多数人认为的火山 。
And if the volcano keeps erupting, it keeps growing.
如果火山持续喷发,它就会继续变高 。
With each eruption of a volcano, more magma flows up the tube that forms in the middle, called the vent,
随着火山的每次喷发, 更多的岩浆从中部形成的管道也就是火山通道中流出来 。
and it comes out at the top, called the crater.
然后从顶部,也就是火山口喷发出来 。
Then, once more, the lava cools and hardens into solid rock, and the volcano has grown!
等岩浆冷却下来变成坚硬的岩石后,火山就又变高了 。
But not all volcanoes look, or act, the same.
但其实,每座火山的形状和喷发状态都不一样 。
Lava can come out of craters in different ways. It depends on the type of volcano.
岩浆从火山口喷出的方式有很多,它是由火山的形状决定的 。
For some volcanoes, like Stromboli, lava shoots out like a fiery fountain.
对于很多火山如斯特隆博利岛火山来说,岩浆就像炙热的泉水一样喷涌而出 。
When Stromboli erupts like this, big blocks of lava and stone can be thrown hundreds of meters away.
当斯特隆博利岛火山这样喷发时,大块的熔岩和石块可能被抛到数百米远 。
But for other volcanoes, lava just oozes out of the crater, more like a lazy syrup.
至于别的火山,岩浆只是从火山口慢慢溢出,更像是粘稠的糖浆 。
Over time, this slow-moving lava can create massive volcanoes, too.
随着时间的推移,这种慢慢形成的熔岩也会形成巨大的火山 。
One volcano like this, called Mauna Loa in Hawaii, is the tallest volcano in the world.
夏威夷岛的莫纳罗亚火山就是这样的,它是世界上最高的火山 。
And in fact, all of the islands of Hawaii are made of volcanoes that began underwater.
事实上,夏威夷群岛整个是由水下火山喷发形成的 。
They've been growing for millions of years, and over time, all of the layers of lava that have oozed out have built up,
until they reached above the surface of the ocean.
直到浮出海面 。
Our fiery old friend Stromboli, in Italy, formed this way, too.
意大利的斯特隆博利火山也是这样形成的 。
Its whole island is basically one big volcano!
整个岛基本上就是个大火山 。
So, you don't have to have an underground fort to know that there's a lot of amazing stuff going on beneath the surface of the Earth.
There are incredible forces at work all the time shaping the world that we live in.
一直以来,都有一股不可思议的力量在塑造着我们生活的这个世界 。
Thanks for watching SciShow Kids! Hey Squeaks!
Let's get going before one of our experiments erupts!