Squeaks just found some animals crawling around outside in the garden.
Squeaks刚刚在花园里发现了一些到处爬的动物 。
Wanna show it to me, Squeaks?
Ooh! That one looks like a snail, and that one looks like a slug.
噢!这个像蜗牛,那个像蛞蝓 。
You know even though snails and slugs are two different animals, they're actually pretty similar.
尽管蜗牛和蛞蝓是两种不同的动物,但它们非常相似 。
Squeaks, can you spot anything about the snail and slug that looks the same?
That's true. Both of these animals have long bodies with no legs.
说得对 。这两种动物都有长长的身体,但没有腿 。
Snails and slugs move by using a big muscle on the bottom of their body called a foot.
蜗牛和蛞蝓都通过身体底部被称为足的一块大肌肉移动 。
It definitely doesn't look like my foot,
but it helps snails and slugs get around just like my feet help me get around.
但它和我们的脚一样,能帮助蜗牛和蛞蝓到处移动 。
The front half of a snail or slug foot will stretch out far along the ground,
then pull the whole animal along with it and it squeezes back together.
然后拉动整个身体移动,最后再缩到一起 。
Okay, what else do you see that looks the same?
That's right, both slugs and snails have their eyes on long stalks that can stretch out and wiggle around.
答对了 。蜗牛和蛞蝓的眼睛都长在长触角上,能伸展也能随意扭动 。
I wonder what the world would look like if I have eyes on stalks.
我很好奇,如果我的眼睛长在触角上,看到的世界会是什么样子 。
Oh, you thought of something else that's the same?
You're right. Both of these animals are very slimy.
你说对了 。这两种动物都非常黏滑 。
Both snails and slugs are covered in a special slide called mucus, which is a lot like the boogers in your nose.
蜗牛和蛞蝓都被一种叫粘液的特殊液体覆盖,这就像你鼻子里的鼻屎 。
This mucus helps snails and slugs to stay wet and avoid drying out,
just like boogers keep your nose from drying out.
就像鼻屎能避免鼻子干燥一样 。
Snails and slugs can also use this mucus to help them stick to things.
蜗牛和蛞蝓也能利用这种粘液粘东西 。
They can use it to climb up walls or tree trunks or up big rocks.
它们能利用粘液爬墙,爬树干或大岩石 。
They even leave a little slime trail behind them wherever they go.
它们无论到哪儿都能留下淡淡的粘液痕迹 。
So snails and slugs have a lot in common, which makes sense because they're actually related.
蜗牛和蛞蝓有很多共同点,这是因为它们互相有关联 。
Snails and slugs are all part of a big group of animals called gastropods.
蜗牛和蛞蝓是大家族腹足动物的一个分支 。
Gastropods tend to have a lot of similarities like a muscular foot, eyes on stalks, and slime,
腹足动物有许多相似点,如肌肉当足,眼睛长在触角上,有粘液 。
but different kinds of gastropods can also be very different, just like our snail and slug here.
但就像蜗牛和蛞蝓一样,不同的腹足动物也会有很大的区别 。
There's one big difference I'm noticing.
我注意到它们有一个很大的不同点 。
Do you see it? That's right.
你看到了吗?说对了 。
This snail has a hard shell right on its back.
蜗牛的背部有坚硬的壳 。
Snails have round shells that get bigger as they grow,
they carry their shells with them wherever they go,
and they can even hide inside their shells when they need to get away from another anminal,
当它们需要躲避其他动物时,可以藏到壳里面 。
And slugs don't have these shells, but they protect themselves by hiding under rocks or logs.
蛞蝓没有这些壳,但它们会躲在岩石或原木下面保护自己 。
Some of them can also move faster than snails can,
because they don't have that heavy shell on their back.
因为它们背上没有重重的壳 。
There are so many kinds of snails and slugs.
蜗牛和蛞蝓的种类很多 。
It's a little hard to imagine how many there are.
很难想象到底有多少种 。
There are over 65,000 kinds of gastropods and they're all different.
腹足动物有6500多种,并且各不相同 。
The Australian trumpet snail is the biggest snail in the world.
澳大利亚喇叭蜗牛是世界上最大的蜗牛 。
It can grow to almost a meter long, that's three feet.
它可以长到近一米长,约3英尺 。
Trumpet snails are also so big, they can weigh as much as a small dog.
喇叭蜗牛很大,它和一条小狗一样重 。
There is also a whole group of gastropods known for their bright color.
有一群腹足动物因其鲜亮的颜色而闻名 。
These sea slugs called nudibranch, come in every color of the rainbow, sometimes all at once.
这些海蛞蝓被称为裸鳃类动物,它们能显示一种彩虹色,有时也能全部显示出来 。
Their bright colors can help them stand out and attract other nudibranches.
它们鲜亮的颜色可以帮助它们脱颖而出,吸引其他的裸鳃类动物 。
And check out this banana slug, the banana slugs are yellow with brown spots,
and they look just like... you guessed it, a banana.
但它们看起来...你猜出来了,像香蕉 。
Since they live on land, banana slugs aren't surrounded by water like sea slugs.
因为香蕉蛞蝓生活在陆地上,它们不像海蛞蝓一样被水包围 。
But do you remember their special mucus?
It helps them to stick to things but it also helps them to avoid drying out on land.
粘液能帮助它们粘住物体,也能让它们不在陆地上干掉 。 。
So gastropods are pretty incredible.
所以,腹足动物非常不可思议 。
Snails and slugs need such different life but they're all still part of the same big family.
尽管蜗牛和蛞蝓生活方式不同,但仍属于同一科 。
Thanks for joining us on Scishow Kids.
感谢收看儿童科学秀 。
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