日期:2017-08-28 07:36



I've talked about how I love buying and selling houses and I can tell you,
我跟你们说过我有多么喜欢买卖房子 我跟你说
if you're looking to buy a house, you have to ask the right questions.
如果你想买房子 你一定要问对问题
What's the curb appeal? Does it have good bones? Does the carpet match the drapes?
I'm thinking of Tinder, I'm sorry.
不好意思 我想到Tinder去了
Portia and I are selling our house right now. I'm just as surprised as you are.
波西娅和我正在卖我们的房子 我也没想到呀
I can't, it's the house that I said I would never sell.
我无法 我还说过这个房子我一定不会卖
It's the house that I said I will live in forever,
but you see a cuter one and it's new and exciting and you say, I wanna get all up in that and-
可是当你看到一个更好看的 它又新又让人激动 我就想搬到那儿去住了
Again, I'm thinking of Tinder, I am sorry.
不好意思 我又想到Tinder去了




One thing I know is when you're selling your house, you really have to find a great real estate agent.
我知道你卖房子的时候 一定要找一个好的房地产中介
And something I've noticed about realtors is they love to put their picture on everything.
我发现房地产经纪人有个癖好 他们喜欢到处放自己的照片
At first they just put their photos on business cards and then they started putting their photo on bus benches.
一开始的时候 他们会把照片放在商业名片上 然后他们竟然把照片放到公交站的长椅上去了
I don't know why realtors advertize on bus benches.
I guess they're thinking you know who could really, really use a house? People who can't afford a car.
Hm. And now realtors have started making videos on YouTube, I found a couple that I really have to show you.
嗯 现在房地产经纪人又开始在YouTube上做视频打广告了 我找到了两个一定要给你们看一下
This first one is from Tammy Chavers in Montgomery, Alabama.
Hi my name is Tammy Chavers and I'm with ReMax properties in Montgomery, and this is my friend Charlie.
嗨 我是塔米·贾沃斯 我现在在蒙哥马利的ReMax地产区 这是我朋友查理
Howdy. Well hi, Charlie, how are you today? I'm doing pretty good. Where are we?
嗨喽 嗨查理 你今天怎么样啊?我很好 我们这是在哪儿?
Well we are at this beautiful home for sale in Bridle Brook. I like this home. I do too.
我们在Bridle Brook这家打算出售的漂亮房子里 我喜欢这房子 我也喜欢
And we've got lots of homes for sale. We do? Yes Charlie, we do.
我们还有好多房子想卖呢 是吗?对呀 查理
But don't be a dummy about buying real estate. A dummy? Yeah, Charlie, don't be a dummy.
不过买房子的时候可不要成为别人的傀儡哦 傀儡?嗯查理 不要成为傀儡
Call Tammy, Tammy Chavers, ReMax Properties
买房请找塔米 塔米·贾沃斯 ReMax地产
What's really impressive is one time she closed a deal while drinking a glass of water. That was a-
让人难忘的是有次她在喝水的时候就做成了一单 那可真是——
This next one is from a Realtor named Rafael A Perez from San Diego.
His initials are RAP, and so he made this video.
他名字的缩写是RAP 所以他就做了个这样的视频
Welcome to the 619, San Diego. The place where the tourists come and say you should go.
欢迎来到圣地亚哥619号 一个游客推荐游览的地方
The rules of real estate are no longer the same. Basic fundamentals is the name of the game.
房地产规则已大变样 新游戏之名叫基本原则
It's not about buy, hold, flip for rookie. It's about building a home or a positive cash flow.
它已不再是菜鸟购买、持有再转手 而是筑巢或者正向现金流
As MLK once said, you don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.
正如MLK所说 你没必要看整个楼梯 你只需要迈出第一步
You're building a future one day at a time. To get a net worth of a million not a dime.
你在搭建自己的未来 你将净赚百万而不是一毛
Let me tell you who I am. No, I'm not a rapper. RAP are my initials, I'm your trusted realtor.
我来告你我是谁 不 我不是说唱歌手 RAP是我名字的缩写 我是你值得信赖的经纪人
If you need an awesome agent, here's my number, call me. (619)333-.
如果你需要很棒的经纪人 我的号码是(619)333-
If you need an awesome agent, here's my number, call me. (619)333-.
如果你需要很棒的经纪人 我的号码是(619)333-
Boy. Come on! I love how he rhymed rookie with positive cash flow.
哦天哪 我太喜欢他用“rookie”和“positive cash flow”押韵了
That's a, that is some next-level stuff right there.
那是 那可是高水平啊
I think I'm gonna stick with my real estate agent, but if Tammy and that dummy wanna make me an ad for my house, please send it in.
我觉得我还是不要换房地产经纪人了 不过如果那个塔米和小傀儡想给我的房子做个广告 欢迎发给我
I'd love to see it. And right now I'm gonna show off my beautiful studio with a dance.
我很想看看 现在我要开始跳舞啦
